Leveraging Industry Standards

To meet your ongoing integration goals and business automation directives, you must rely on software that works within the accepted industry standards.

The Sterling B2B Integrator platform is built on industry-accepted data formats, communication protocols, workflow modeling, and security. This design structure maximizes interoperability between systems and trading partners, thereby providing the following benefits:
  • Reducing integration complexity and cost by minimizing the need for custom programming and re-training support staff

  • Supporting the rapid and secure delivery of emerging solutions for collaborative processes between businesses and business units

The following table details the industry standards upon which Sterling B2B Integrator's processing is based:
Design Level Sterling B2B Integrator Standards
Process modeling

Business Process Modeling Language (BPML, an XML-based meta language), XPATH (a non-SML language that can identify parts of XML documents for later use), XSLT (Extensible Style Language Transformation)

  • B2B management: XML, EDI (EDIFACT, ANSI X12), B2B protocols (ebXML, EDIINT), RosettaNet
  • Internet transports: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP for e-mail), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), SOAP, AS1, AS2, AS3
  • Security: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), X.509, S/MIME, XML DSIG (digital signatures and data encryption)
  • Open standards: XPATH, XML schema, XSLT
  • Network management: SNMP (Simple Network ManagementProtocol), which enables exchange of information between networkdevices

Low-level infrastructure

J2EE Technology: JMS, JNDI, JDBC, and RMI