JMS 1.1 Property File Information

Each property specifies a certain attribute within the JMS 1.1 property file.

The JMS 1.1 property file is named You can find it in the /install_dir/properties directory. The following are the property names and definitions.

Property Name=Default Value Definition


Specifies the default time to live per connection. Default it is 300000 milliseconds.

This is the same as time to live when defining the pools.

If TIME_TO_LIVE is specified at service or adapter instance level then that value will be used. This applies for max sessions, max connections, and receive timeout.


Specifies the default number of sessions per connection.

This is the same as number of sessions when configuring a pool.


Specifies the default number of connections.

This is the same as number of connections when configuring a pool.


Specifies the amount of time sync receive will wait for message before giving up. If no timeout value is specified in the JMS 1.1 Receive Message Service, this value is used.

Default is 5 minutes (300000 milliseconds).


Specifies the buffer size used when creating a BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream. It is used to read or write documents to message or vice versa. Buffer size is dependant on the amount of memory you have available for JVM.


Specifies the amount of time request reply receive will wait for message before giving up. Default is 2 minutes (120000 milliseconds). This is valid only when using permanent destination mode.

If no timeout value is specified in the JMS 1.1 Request Reply Message Service, this value is used.

For temporary destinations, receive will wait for an infinite time.


Specifies the list of classes to exclude. This is a semicolon separated list.

Many of the JMS drivers include the javax.jms package, which is already loaded in the classloader. To avoid classloading/class conflicts, you only want to load the vendor specific jars from the vendor provided client package.

To do this you need to exclude various packages which this feature provides. Ideally when using custom class loading, you should avoid loading any classes that are already present in the system's dynamic classpath (stated in dynamiclasspath.cfg).

For most of the JMS vendors this means avoiding classes that start with package structure javax.jms, but in several cases there are other classes that can be present in both vendor jars and the system's dynamic classpath. To avoid class path conflicts, a generic javax is specified in the excludes list. This parameter is only valid when using the custom class loading and is per adapter instance. Be careful when changing this parameter.

For example, if all the classes under the javax package need to be excluded from being loaded by custom class loader then this property should be specified by providing value as javax (JMS_EXCLUDES=javax).


Specifies the number of reply attempts made if the JMS provider has gone down.

Default value is -1 (infinite) and is valid only for permanent destination mode. Minimum is 0 and maximum is infinite.

It is recommended that this value not be changed.


Specifies the time between each of the retry attempts.

Default is 1 minute (60000 milliseconds).