Checkin PGP Public Key

You can checkin a PGP Public Key under the Administration Menu through the PGP Public Key menu option.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Trading Partner > PGP > PGP Public Key.
  2. Next to Check-in a new PGP public key, click Go!.
  3. Enter the following information and click Next.
    Field Name Description
    Key Name Required. Unique name of the PGP Public Key.
    Filename Required. Key file to be chosen to be checked into the system from your local disk.
    Validate Expiry Optional. Key expiry validation during runtime.
    If you select the check box and the key has expired, the system stops the cryptographic operation. If you clear the check box and the key has expired, the system continues to perform the operation.
  4. After completing the Public Key Check-In configuration, review the settings on the Confirm page and click Finish.
    • At present, the system supports check-in of one master key with multiple sub keys. After you check-in, these keys are saved in Sterling B2B Integrator as unique records.
    • The system does not allow to check-in keys with an existing key ID.
    • The system supports .gpg, .pgp, .asc, .pkr, and .skr as supported formats for Public Key check-in.
    • The system supports keys of type RSA, DSA, and ElGamal.