Using JMS Services and Adapters

Sterling B2B Integrator supports the JMS 1.1 specification. JMS is a messaging standard that allows application components based on the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) to create, send, and receive messages.

With JMS, you can either use the Queue or Topic method to store and deliver messages. In the service and adapters, this is called the Destination Type.

Queues are First In First Out (FIFO) storage mechanisms for messages. Messages in the queue are:
  • Pushed into and pulled out of the queue.
  • Bound for a single consumer.
  • Available until removed from the queue.
Queue types include:
  • Priority Queues - Order of consumption of messages from the queue is not order of insertion, but based upon the priority set in the header.

  • Temporary Queues - Default queue setting, messages are not persisted and only kept in memory. Failure of the server will cause the messages in the queue to be lost.

  • Persistent Queues - Messages are persisted and will survive a server failure.

  • Exclusive verses Non-Exclusive Queues - Exclusive Queue is for one consumer pulling messages from a queue. Non Exclusive Queues allows for multiple consumers to pull from a queue.

Topics are:
  • A message is delivered to potentially 0 or more consumers.
  • A message is available only for as long as it takes to deliver the message to all subscribed consumers. Consumers for topics are durable subscribers. A durable subscriber has a mailbox where messages will be stored so that messages are not lost even if the consumer is not listening at the time a message is published on the topic.

  • Topics have hierarchy, which includes Subject and Subscriptions.

JMS 1.1 Services and Adapters

The following JMS 1.1 services and adapters are available in Sterling B2B Integrator:
  • JMS 1.1 Acquire Connection Service - used to open a connection and session with a remote JMS server
  • JMS 1.1 Send Message Service - used to send messages

  • JMS 1.1 Receive Message Service - used to get messages synchronously from a queue or topic

  • JMS 1.1 Request Reply Service - used in scenarios where the response from user matters to the sender and depending on this response an action needs to be taken by the sender

  • JMS 1.1 Release Connection Service - used to release the connection and session

  • JMS 1.1 Async Receive Adapter - used to enable clients to receive messages in async mode

Supported Features

Sterling B2B Integrator supports:
  • SSL communication
  • Request Reply pattern
  • Custom Class Loading
  • Message Selectors
  • Durable Subscribers
  • Transactions in Async mode
  • Pooling of JMS connections and sessions which play a significant role in enhancing performance
  • Ability to use ReplyTo header of the JMS message more efficiently when replying to received messages
  • JMX Monitoring and Management Console which monitors and manages connection pools