Updating System Property Values

After configuring EBICS Client, an EBICS Client admin can update the system property values.

About this task

To update system property values:


  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the Administration Menu, select System Property.
  3. Click Update to update the system property values listed in the following table:
    Field Description
    Show response code Every client service returns a response code from the server. If this code is an error code, then the business process returns a fault. If the error code is expected, use an OnFault service to continue interacting with the trading partner.
    Connection retries Specify the number of times the HTTP Client adapter tries to connect to the server. Valid value is any integer 0 - 50. The default value is 3.
    Retry delay Specify the number of seconds the HTTP Client adapter waits between retry attempts. The default value is 60. Valid value is any integer 1 - 7200.
    Delay waiting on I/O Specify the number of seconds to wait for the data transfer to complete before going into WAITING_ON_IO state. If -1 is specified, the service operates in blocking mode. Valid value is any numerical value.
    Initialize new HTTP session for each request If you want to initiate a new HTTP session for each request sent by the EBICS Client to the server, set this parameter to true. The default value is false.

    If you upload a large number of large payload (e.g. 200 MB) data to the EBICS Server using the FUL order type, this parameter should be set to true.

    Persistence segment count A count of the number of segments after which the run time logs an event. This parameter is valid only for Upload and Download order types.

    For example, if you set the Persistence segment count to five, after ten segments are uploaded to the server, two transaction data points (fifth and tenth) are persisted in the client database.

    If the client instance goes down after the twelfth segment is uploaded to the server, the client re-sends the tenth segment of the transaction data. If the server has already received twelve segments of the transaction data, the server notifies the client to re-send from the thirteenth segment.

    OrderID generation cache size Specify the size of the in-memory cache for order ID generation. The default value is 30.
    OrderID cache miss thread wait time (in ms) Specify the duration the thread must wait if the thread experiences a cache miss. The default value is 1000 milliseconds.
    OrderID cache miss retry count Specify the number of times the thread must wait for the cache miss interval. The default value is 5.
    Product ID Enter the product ID for the EBICS Client application.
    Product language Enter the language setting of the EBICS Client application that you are using. For example, enter EN if the language is set to English.
    Orders with pending tasks retention period (in days) Specify the number of days the orders with pending tasks have to be retained in the system without being purged. The default value is 1000.
    Check KeyUsage of certificate Specify whether to check for key usage in certificates. Valid values are:
    • true - Check for key usage.
    • false - Do not check for key usage.
    Use modulus and exponent with space for Hash input in Initialization Letter Specify true if the hash for initialization letter has to be calculated using hash input as modulus and exponent with space. Specify false if the hash for initialization letter has to be calculated using the entire certificate or public key. The default value is false.
    Use modulus and exponent with space for Hash input in Bank key validation Specify true if the hash for bank key validation has to be calculated using hash input as modulus and exponent with space. Specify false if the hash bank key validation has to be calculated using the entire certificate or public key. The default value is false.
    Mailbox metadata path Specify the mailbox that stores the OrderMetadata message.
    HAC purge interval (in minutes) Specify the number of minutes between auto-purge operations where EBICS scans the database for expired HAC records and purges them. The default value is 720. For information about HAC record expiration, see the Purge expiry setting in Creating an HAC Schedule.
    Cipher strength Specify the Cipher Strength. Valid values are Strong, All, and Weak.
    Client adapter Specify a client adapter to send requests to trading partners. For example, configure an HTTP Client adapter to send HTTP requests to trading partners.
    Raw request Specify true to indicate whether a raw request message is presented to a business process. If not, specify false.
    Raw response Specify true to indicate whether a raw response is returned by a business process. If not, specify false.
    Reset connection on error Specify Enable to reset the connection to the server if the client encounters an error when attempting to connect to the server.
    Response time out Specify the number of seconds for the server to respond. The default value is 300. Valid value is any integer 1 - 999999.
    Use 'esig' namespace in KeyOrderData xml Specify true if you want to use ‘esig’ as an additional namespace instead of using ‘esig’ as the default namespace in KeyOrderData xml. The default value is true.
    Insert optional elements in KeyManagement request xml Specify true if you want to insert optional elements specified in the EBICS Key management request schema in the KeyManagement request xml. The default value is true.
  4. Click Finish to save the changes that you updated.