Importing a SAML User to Shares

You can pre-populate the SAML user record and set permissions for a user before the user logs in to Shares. You can import the user in one of two ways:
  • Import the SAML user in the Shares UI
  • Import the SAML user using a rake task

For more information about using a rake task, see Configuring Users With Rake Tasks.

Note: You must first configure and enable SAML for Shares before you can create a SAML user. For more information, see Configuring SAML for Shares.
The instructions below describe how to import a SAML user in the Shares UI.
  1. Go to Admin > Users and select Import SAML User.
  2. Enter a value for each of the following fields for the SAML user.
    Field Description Example
    ID The SAML user's full Distinguished Name (required) CN=saml doe,OU=AK,OU=Users,OU=Asperasoft,DC=dev,DC=aspera,DC=us
    Given_name First name Sam
    Surname Last name Doe
    Name ID Username (required) samldoe
    Email Email address
  3. Click Import User.
For information about configuring the newly created user, see Configure User Settings.