If you need to host the IBM Aspera Connect Plug-in
SDK installers locally, you can download the Connect SDK file and configure Shares
to point to a local copy of the Connect SDK hosted at a non-standard location. In
this way, users download Connect from a server of your choice.
Download the Connect SDK zip file from the Aspera Developer Network.
Create the directory, C:\Shares\connect-sdk, and extract the contents of the connect
SDK into this directory.
Open the file at C:\Shares\nginx\conf\nginx.conf and
ensure the directive below is included in the file:
http {
server {
include locations-enabled/*.conf;
Create a file named "connect-sdk.conf" in the following location:
Paste the following content and save the file:
location /connect/ {
alias C:/Shares/connect-sdk/;
expires 1d;
Point Shares to the new Connect SDK location by editing the file at C:\Shares\www\app\views\node\shared\_aspera_web_plugin_install.html.haml.
Change the following line to one of two
- connect_autoinstall_location = '//d3gcli72yxqn2z.cloudfront.net/connect/v4'
Find the following line under
var url = window.location.protocol + CONNECT_AUTOINSTALL_LOCATION + '/' + script + '.min.js';
it with the line
var url = window.location.protocol + CONNECT_AUTOINSTALL_LOCATION + '/' + script + '.js';
- Update the Nginx configuration file located at
Find the following
add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
Replace it with:
add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
Restart Shares and Nginx.
Go to
Start Menu > Control Panel > Administrative
Tools > Services. Right-click and select
Restart for each of the following services:
- Aspera Nginx Service
- Aspera Delayed Job Service
- Aspera Web Services
- Aspera Stats Collector
Your Shares server is now hosting
Connect and installers.
Note: You may need
to clear your browser cache in order for these changes to take