Using Another MySQL Server After Installation

To use another MySQL server after rpm installation has occurred, you must update .my.cnf files and application configuration files.

  1. Update the .my.cnf files with your MySQL server information in each of the following locations:
    • /opt/aspera/shares/.my.cnf
    • /opt/aspera/shares/u/shares/.my.cnf
    • /opt/aspera/shares/u/stats-collector/.my.cnf
  2. Update the Shares application config file. .
    Open /opt/aspera/shares/u/shares/config/database.yml and fill in your MySQL server information (username, password, host, and port).
        database: shares
        username: "mysql_username"
        password: "mysql_password"
        host: ip_address
        port: port_number
        encoding: utf8
        reconnect: false
        pool: 5
        database: stats_collector
        username: "mysql_username"
        password: "mysql_password"
        host: ip_address
        port: port_number
        encoding: utf8
        reconnect: false
        pool: 5
  3. Update the stats collector configuration file..
    Open /opt/aspera/shares/u/stats-collector/etc/persistence.xml and fill in your MySQL server information (username, password, host, and port).
        <!-- connection URL: jdbc:mysql://HOST:PORT/DATABASE -->
        <property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:mysql://ip_address:port_number/stats_collector"/>
        <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="mysql_username"/>
        <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="mysql_password"/>
  4. Restart all services.
    # service aspera-shares restart
  5. Disable the built-in MySQL server.
    To stop the built-in MySQL from running, you must remove it from the runlevels that include it. Run the following commands:
    # rm /opt/aspera/shares/etc/runit/runlevels/setup/mysqld
    # rm /opt/aspera/shares/etc/runit/runlevels/up/mysqld