Errors and Warnings

You can review errors and warning associated with IBM Aspera Shares activity to identify problems. The Errors and Warnings page can be accessed by clicking Monitor > Errors and Warnings or the warning icon warning icon in the upper right corner of Shares pages.

Access from Monitor > Errors and Warnings

Click Monitor > Errors and Warnings to go to a table of all errors and warnings. The Errors and Warnings page provides the following options for viewing them.
  • To search for specific errors or warnings, enter the object, such as Node or User, or the level (error or warning) in the search fields and click Search.
  • To sort errors and warnings by level (warning or error) or object, click the dropdown menu next to Sort. The default sort is by level.
  • If more information about an error or warning is available, go to it by clicking the Description link next to the error.
  • To go to the error log, click the description link for the object "ErrorLog."

Access from the Warning Icon

The warning icon shows the total number of errors and warnings. Click the icon warning icon to open a pop-up window that displays a summary of errors (red icons) and warnings (orange icons). Buttons at the bottom of the window show the number of warning and errors. The pop-up window provides the following options for viewing errors and warnings:

  • To go to a searchable list of all warnings, click warnings icon.
  • To go to a searchable list of all errors, click errors icon.
  • If more information about an error or warning is available, go to it by clicking the error description.
  • To go to the error log, click Found number errors in error_logs table. If there are too many errors and warnings to fit in the pop-up window, click + number more, which goes to the same page as Monitor > Errors and Warnings.