The Shares Home Page

When you log into IBM Aspera Shares, you land on your Shares homepage.

the user home page in the Shares web app
Callout Link Action
A Home Goes to your Shares home page.
B username Opens a drop-down menu with links for Preferences and Logout.
C Preferences Goes to the Preferences page. For more information, see Configure User Preferences.
D Logout Logs you out of Shares and goes to the Shares Log In window.
Note: The + is visible only if you are authorized to create shares.
Your shares are listed below this heading. If you have authorization, click + to add a new share. For more information, see Creating a Share. If Home Shares are enabled, your Home Share is listed above this heading. For more information, see Home Shares.
F ACTIVITY Click My Activity to see and search your Shares activity. Click All Activity to see and search your Shares activity and activities related to your Shares.