Backing Up the Shares Database
Use the ACM Control Command (acmctl) to regularly make backups of the Shares HA database.
You should also back up your files on dedicated media, (for example, tape or removable disk) stored at a secure location.
# /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acmctl –b
Starting backup
Shares: Backup databases... Database backed up in /opt/aspera/shares/backup/shares-backup-20151028-163200
Compressing SQL files
Looking for old backups to remove
Found 0 files(s) modified for the last time more than 15 day(s) ago
Backup procedure complete
When a backup is complete, the utility removes all backup files that are older than the default of 7 days. To modify this default value, edit the /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acmctl file and set the BACKUP_MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS= variable to the desired number of days.
By default, backup files are created in a dedicated folder located on local storage: /opt/aspera/shares/backup. You can change the default storage location by modifying the BACKUP_DIR variable in the /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acmctl file or by replacing the default backup directory with a symbolic link pointing to shared storage.
On both nodes, the command should be launched every day at a specific time from the crontab:
# crontab -e
* * * * * /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acm 20 > /dev/null 2>&1
30 2 * * 1-5 /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acmctl –b > /dev/null 2>&1
The example shown above runs a backup of the Shares database at 2:30 AM every weekday of every month.