Lowering Stats Collector Polling Frequency

Lowering the frequency that stats collector polls nodes for statistics can free up memory and lower the load on your server. This is especially applicable to cases where the stats collectors of multiple machines are all polling a single node for statistics.

  1. Open the stats-collector.properties file.
    Find the file at:
  2. Uncomment and specify the polling.period variable:
    ## The time period at which nodes are polled for new statistics.
    ## Default 1s
    # polling.period=
    For example, increase the polling period to 5s to lower the load on your server:
    ## The time period at which nodes are polled for new statistics.
    ## Default 1s
  3. Restart stats collector for the changes to take effect.
    Run the following command:
    # /opt/aspera/shares/sbin/sv restart stats-collector