TCP and UDP Ports Used in HA Environments

The Shares HA environment requires somes ports to be open in order for the HA environment to operate correctly.

Port Direction Service
TCP-80 From web clients to the VIP of the load balancer load balancer
TCP-80 From the load balancer to the Shares nodes (if the load balancer does not take care of the HTTP to HTTPS redirection) asperahttpd
TCP-443 From web clients to the VIP of the load balancer load balancer
TCP-443 From the load balancer to the Shares nodes asperahttpd

From the clients to the load balancer (if using architecture Type 1)

load balancer

From the load balancer to the Shares nodes (if using architecture type 1)

UDP-33001 From the clients to the load balancer (if using Architecture Type 1) load balancer
UDP-33001 From the load balancer to the Shares nodes if using Architecture Type 1) ascp (FASP)
TCP-33001 From the clients to the Shares nodes (if using Architecture Type 2) sshd
UDP-33001 From the clients to the Shares nodes (if using Architecture Type 2) ascp (FASP)
TCP-9092 Between the nodes asperanoded
TCP-4406 Between the nodes mysqld