Installing and Hosting Shares and Faspex 4 on the Same Host

Download the following products from Aspera.
  • IBM Aspera Enterprise Server or IBM Aspera Connect Server
  • IBM Aspera Common Applications
  • IBM Aspera Faspex 4
  • IBM Aspera Shares
Note: You cannot install and host IBM Aspera Shares on the same host with Faspex 5 as it is not supported.
Important: You must install IBM Aspera Faspex 4 before you install IBM Aspera Shares. For more information on installing Faspex, see the IBM Aspera Faspex Admin Guide.
  1. Install the shares.rpm, but do not run the install script.
  2. Edit the my.cnf.setup file located at:
    Insert the MySQL username and password that you used during the install of Faspex and set host to
    user     = mysql_username
    password = mysql_password
    host     =
    port     = 4406
  3. Run the Shares installer.
    # /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/install
  4. Disable the Apache Web Server.
    # asctl apache:stop
    # asctl apache:disable
  5. Create a symlink to a file located at /opt/aspera/shares/etc/nginx/locations-enabled/faspex.
    # ln -s ../locations-available/faspex /opt/aspera/shares/etc/nginx/locations-enabled/
  6. Restart the Nginx service.
    # service aspera-shares restart