Disabling and Re-enabling ACM on all Nodes

Use the ACM Control Command (acmctl) to disable and re-enable ACM on all nodes.

  1. Run the acmctl command with the –D option on any of the nodes to disable ACM on all nodes:
    # /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acmctl -D
    ACM is disabled globally
  2. Verify the status of ACM.
    1. Run the acmctl –i command to verify the status of ACM (the following example does not show the entire output).
      # /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acmctl -i
      Checking current ACM status...
      Aspera Cluster Manager status
      Local hostname:         hashares1
      Active node:            hashares2 
      Status of this node:    passive
      Status file:            current
      Disabled globally:      yes
      Disabled on this node:  no
      Database configuration file
      Database host:
      Shares active/active services status
      nginx:      running
      crond:      running
      Shares active/passive services status
      mysqld:                      not running
      shares-background-default-0: not running
      shares-background-nodes-0:   not running
      shares-background-users-0:   not running
      shares-background-users-1:   not running
      shares-background-users-2:   not running
    2. Check the logs at /opt/aspera/acm/log/acm4shares.log.
      # tail -f /opt/aspera/acm/log/acm4shares.log 
      2013-07-11 15:57:01 (-0700) acm4shares hashares1 (7758): ACM is disabled globally: aborting
      2013-07-11 15:58:01 (-0700) acm4shares hashares2 (22432): ACM is disabled globally: aborting
      2013-07-11 15:58:01 (-0700) acm4shares hashares1 (7826): ACM is disabled globally: aborting
      2013-07-11 15:59:01 (-0700) acm4shares hashares2 (22560): ACM is disabled globally: aborting
      2013-07-11 15:59:01 (-0700) acm4shares hashares1 (7894): ACM is disabled globally: aborting
      Note: Disabling ACM only disables new instances of ACM launched by the crond daemon. Any running service launched before ACM was disabled runs normally until it has completed. This behavior does not pose a problem when ACM is disabled globally, as no other servers will attempt to become active.
  3. Run the acmctl command with the -E option to re-enable ACM operation on all nodes:
    # /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acmctl -E
    ACM is enabled globally
    One of the Faspex servers becomes the active node, with all associated services started, and the other will be passive, with only the nginx and crond services running.