Copying Work Step Inputs and Outputs

  1. Click Work Orders.
    The View by Work Order tab is highlighted by default.
  2. Click a work order in the list in the left pane.
  3. In the list of work order instances that appears in the right pane, click a work order instance.
    A list of work steps appears.
  4. Click a work step to open a display of inputs and outputs.
  5. Copy the input or output.
    • Click the Copy icon (). The desired text is selected and copied to the clipboard. The confirmation message Copied! displays for 2 seconds.
    • To copy a variable with more than 1024 characters, click More (which appears next to its listed value). This opens a dialog displaying the entire variable value. Click the Copy icon () to select and copy the variable to the clipboard.

      The confirmation message Copied! displays for 2 seconds.

  6. Paste the input or output value by following the procedure in Setting Pre-processing and Post-processing for Work Steps.