Upgrading Orchestrator: Requirements

Note: If you have a high availability setup, see Upgrading Orchestrator 2.3.5+ to 4.0.1 in High Availability
The following are requirements which need to be completed before upgrading Orchestrator on a single node. See Orchestrator Directory Locations for more information about the directory locations referred to in this procedure.
Note: All commands in the following procedure must be performed as root, or an equivalent superuser.
  1. Confirm that both the Aspera Common Package and Aspera Orchestrator are already installed on the Linux server.
  2. Perform a backup of MySQL data with a MySQL dump.
    $ /opt/aspera/common/mysql/bin/mysqldump -h localhost –u root –p orchestrator > /tmp/orchestrator_db_backup_timestamp.sql
    Note: The generated .sql file may take several gigabytes of disk space depending on the database size, so make sure that enough space is available on the targeted partition (/tmp in the example above) before running the backup.
  3. Run a backup of Orchestrator data with the Snapshot feature.
    See Create Snapshot for details.
    Note: Move all backup files onto a safe server after running the backup so they don’t take up space on Orchestrator.
  4. Back up any important configuration files which are located in the config directory.
    This directory is overwritten with new data during an upgrade. If the database configuration is not standard (if, for example, there is a nonstandard password), back up the following file:
    It will be overwritten by the default released file, and you will lose the data unless it is backed up elsewhere. Copy the files to a safe location, such as /tmp:
  5. Copy any custom files — such as aspera_logo_simple.jpg and aspera.css — to a safe location, and restore them after the upgrade.
    During the software installation phase of an upgrade, custom images, branding files and style sheets are copied from /opt/aspera/var/config/orchestrator/ to /opt/aspera/orchestrator/public/. Thus make sure that any custom files (as well as orchestrator.yml, if the default Orchestrator configuration has been changed) are placed under /opt/aspera/var/config/orchestrator/ before doing the upgrade.
  6. Back up the /var directory.
    Although this directory is preserved during upgrade, it is important to take the precaution.
    $ cd /opt/aspera/ ; tar chvfz /tmp/aspera_orig_timestamp.tar.gz var/