Viewing Resource History for Workflows

You can review the history of resources usage to help you optimize your workflows.

Prerequisite: You must already have configured at least one resource pool to use this feature. For more information, see Creating a New Resource Pool.

  1. Click Workflows in the top menu, then click Resources in the left navigation menu.
    The Resource Manager page opens.
  2. To see a dashboard of resources for a particular resource pool, click the icon for that resource pool.
    In the list of resources, you can edit the capacity of a resource, change the resource status from "online" to "offline" (and vice versa), or delete the resource. You can also add a resource to the list.
  3. To view the allocation history for the resource pool, click the Allocation history icon at the top-right. Note: You must already have used the selected resource pool to view the allocation history; otherwise, there is no available data.
    You can view the allocation history of a resource for the past 30 days; as range of days, divided by day; or hourly, for a particular date.

    Note: You can't open the hourly view for a day with 100% usage, because each hour of that day is at 100%, as well (so there is nothing to be learned from viewing that level of detail).