Setting up Aspera Cluster Manager
You must set up Aspera Cluster Manager (ACM) as part of a high availability installation.
For overview information about ACM, see Aspera Cluster Manager (Overview).
Installing ACM Software on the Shared Storage
Turning Off Automatic Restart for the MySQL, Apache, and Orchestrator Services
Configuring the crontab Entry to Run ACM
Configure ACM services in crontab on both nodes so that the acm4orchestrator script is launched every minute.
$ crontab –e
* * * * * /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acm4orchestrator ip_address > /dev/null 2>&1
parameter must be entered in crontab: the IP address of the
host where the script is running. This parameter is passed to the
acm4orchestrator script.$ crontab –e
* * * * * /opt/aspera/acm/bin/acm4orchestrator device_ID > /dev/null 2>&1
$ stat -c "%d" mount_point
$ stat -c "%d" /mnt
$ mount -v -o vers=3,proto=tcp,port=2049 shared_storage mount_point
$ mount -v -o vers=3,proto=tcp,port=2049 /mnt
Once configured in crontab, the acm4orchestrator script runs regularly to determine the active node and start the required Orchestrator services on both the active and passive nodes, depending on their current status (active or passive).
Obtaining the crontab Parameter Values
To list the IP addresses available on a system, run the following command:$ ip addr | grep "inet"
inet scope host lo
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
inet brd 10.255.255 scope global eth0
Running an ACM Sanity Check
The acmctl command has an option to check that the necessary configurations have been made that allow the acm4orchestrator script to run appropriately. You should make sure that each server passes the sanity test.
Identifying the Status of ACM on Each Orchestrator Server
/opt/aspera/acm/bin/acmctl -i
more information about using this command, see Disabling and Re-enabling ACM on One NodeConnecting to Orchestrator with the VIP
If a load balancer is providing a virtual IP address (VIP) in front of the Orchestrator servers, and the services are running properly, you can now connect to the Orchestrator application using the VIP assigned to the ACM cluster.