
The procedure for installing IBM Aspera Connect requires enabling a browser extension for Connect in addition to installing the Connect application itself.

There are two ways to install Connect on your system:
  • Guided Installation: The most common way of installing Connect. If Connect is not installed or needs upgrading when you try to upload or download files from an Aspera web app, such as Aspera Faspex or Aspera Shares, you are prompted to install Connect and guided through the process.
  • Manual Installation: For system-wide (multi-user) installations, and a fallback method for users with nontypical web apps. You first install the Connect web extension for your browser. You then install the Connect application by running a desktop installer that you download from the Aspera website.

System Requirements: For more information about supported operating systems and browsers, see the release notes for this version of IBM Aspera Connect.

Before you begin

Verify that your Linux environment includes the following libraries:
  • OpenSSL version 1.0.2g or higher. See the following details.
    • Mesa EGL (If you get a launch error about libel. See the following details.
  • glib2 version 2.28 or higher.
The absence of up-to-date versions of these libraries might prevent Connect from starting.
Note: Connect does not support the Wayland compositor in this release. Some new distributions of Linux are switching to Wayland. If so, you can work around it by switching to Xorg mode.


Depending on your Linux distribution and version, you might need to update your OpenSSL installation to allow Connect to start. The required minimum version of OpenSSL is 1.0.2g. To determine which version of OpenSSL is installed on your machine, run:

$ openssl version 

For information on how to download and install the latest version of OpenSSL, see the KB article Upgrading OpenSSL on Linux for Connect 3.7.x.

Mesa EGL

Connect requires Mesa EGL to be installed on your machine. If you are unable to start Connect, and you encounter an error about libEGL, it generally means that the Mesa EGL package is not installed. To confirm this, run the following:

$ ldd ~/.aspera/connect/plugins/platforms/

If you then see the following, you need to install the Mesa EGL library on your machine: => not found

To install the Mesa EGL libraries on Debian (for example), run:

$ sudo apt-get install libegl1-mesa

Then restart your machine.

For other Linux OSs, run the equivalent command.

Guided installation

If you do not have Connect installed and you attempt to transfer packages or files that use an Aspera web application (such as Faspex or Shares), the Connect Welcome screen appears and prompts you to install Connect:

  • Install Chrome extension window

Depending on your browser/platform combination, the screens that are shown in these instructions might vary.

  1. To begin, click Install Extension.

    Your browser's page for the Connect extension opens. See the instructions for your browser in Adding the Connect Browser Extension to install the Connect extension. If successful, you'll see the message confirming the extension was added.

  2. The welcome screen now prompts you to install the Connect application:
    Install Connect window

    When you click Install Connect the installer image is downloaded to your Downloads directory. Once downloaded, close your web browser and run the following commands in the installer's directory, replacing version+platform with the equivalent from the file name of the installer you downloaded:

    $ tar -zxvf ibm-aspera-connect-version+platform.tar.gz
    $ ./
    Note: Do not run the Connect installation script as the root user. Connect on Linux might only be installed per user, as opposed to system wide. To avoid errors, install Connect per user, excluding user root.

Manual installation

Step 1 - Install the Connect extension for your browser.

For instructions about obtaining the Connect extension for your browser, see Adding the Connect Browser Extension.

Step 2 - Download and run the Connect application installer.

You can download the tar.gz file that contains the Connect installer for your Linux platform directly from Once downloaded, close your web browser and run the following commands in the installer's directory, replacing version+platform with the equivalent from the file name of the installer you downloaded:

$ tar -zxvf ibm-aspera-connect-version+platform.tar.gz
$ ./
Note: The Connect installation script must not be run by user root. Connect on Linux might only be installed per user, as opposed to system wide. To avoid errors, install Connect per user, excluding user root.

Adding the Connect Browser Extension

For supported web browsers, this section explains how to obtain and add the IBM Aspera Connect extension to the browser that you are going to use. The Connect extensions are specific to the browser; the procedure for adding an extension to a browser is the same regardless of which OS platform that browser is running on. With a guided install, clicking Install Extension opens the extension link for the browser you are using. With a manual install, be sure to download the extension for the browser you intend to use with Connect.


To obtain and install the Connect extension for Chrome, follow the following procedure:

  1. Click Install Extension (guided install method), or open the IBM Aspera Connect page on the Chrome Web Store (manual install method). The following page opens:
    Add IBM Connect extension to Chrome
  2. Click Add to Chrome. The Add "IBM Aspera Connect"? window appears.
  3. Click Add extension.
    Add IBM Aspera Connect question window

    If successful, you'll see the message "IBM Aspera Connect has been added to Chrome".

Note: The extension is activated only by websites that have integrated IBM Aspera for file transfers. The extension never reads or stores any personal information or history.

Incognito Mode: By default, the Connect extension is disabled in Chrome's incognito mode. To enable the Connect extension, right-click the Connect icon that is in the extensions bar of your browser. Then open Manage extensions and scroll down to the heading Allow in incognito. Then set the switch to ON as shown in the following image.

Allow in Chrome incognito window


To obtain and install the Connect extension for Firefox follow the procedure:

  1. Click Add extension (guided install method), or open the IBM Aspera Connect page on the Firefox Add-Ons page (manual install method). The following page opens:
    Add Firefox Add-on to Firefox
  2. Click + Add to Firefox. The Add IBM Aspera Connect? pop-up window appears.
    Required permissions to install Add-on to Firefox
  3. Click Add.

    If successful, you'll see the message "IBM Aspera Connect has been added to Firefox".

After Installation

Once Connect finished installing, it runs automatically when you access a Connect, Faspex, or IBM Aspera Shares web page. Look for the Connect icon in your menu bar to confirm that it's running.

System tray IBM Aspera Connect icon

If Connect does not start automatically (or if you need to restart it), you can run the application manually with the following command:

$ ~/.aspera/connect/bin/asperaconnect
Tip: Aspera provides a web-based diagnostic tool that can be helpful in identifying connection issues. You can access the IBM Aspera Connect Diagnostic Tool here:
IBM Aspera Connect Diagnostic Tool