Configuring Cargo for Aspera on Cloud

Cargo uses a configuration file to store the account information for your transfer server(s) and settings for the way that packages will be downloaded. Before Cargo can function correctly, you must specify these elements in the .conf file.

  1. If Cargo is running, stop the daemon.
  2. Find the sample configuration file at the path below.


    Note: Take care to create a configuration file that is valid JSON. For example, if your path uses backslashes, use //.
  3. In a text editor, modify the sample configuration file. See the table below for required fields.
    Note: If your environment includes both Aspera on Cloud and Faspex, create a single configuration file that lists the information for both kinds of server.
  4. Save your edited configuration file.

    You can change the filename of the sample file. Your new filename must end in .conf.

  5. Import the file into Cargo.
    $ sudo /opt/aspera/cargo/sbin/cargo -f  path-to-config-file
  6. For security, if you have set the <password_cleartext> or <passphrase_cleartext> fields, delete the configuration file after you have imported it, to avoid leaving the password in unencrypted form.
  7. Now start the Cargo daemon. See Starting and Stopping Cargo.

Sample Configuration File

A sample configuration file is shown below (and is included in the installation package). Your settings may differ from the examples shown. At a minimum, change the required entries as appropriate to your system, and import the file. See above for instructions.

The text of the aoc_jwt.sample.conf file:

    "conf": {
        "accounts": [
                "authentication_type": "JWT",
                "client_id": "",
                "client_secret" : "",
                "host": "",
                "name": "Sample AoC",
                "private_key": "/absolute/path/to/private_key",
                "user": "",
                "packages": {
                    "auto_start": true,
                    "check_interval_seconds": 900,
                    "download_dir": "/path/to/automatically/download/packages/to/",
                    "name": "Sample AoC Inbox",
                    "passphrase_cleartext": "",
                    "passphrase_enabled": false,
                    "separate_package_folders": true,
                    "skip_owner_packages": false,
                    "version": 2,
        "version": 1,

Conf File Fields and Values

Field Required/Optional Description Values
authentication_type Required. The authentication type used on this transfer server. JWT
client_id Optional.

Set this field only if you want to use a custom client ID that you have generated in AoC's Admin app.

The client ID for the AoC organization. To use the generic, default value, omit this field or leave it empty.
client_secret Optional.

Set this field only if you want to use a custom client secret that you have generated in AoC's Admin app.

The client secret for the AoC organization. To use the generic, default value, omit this field or leave it empty.
host Required. The AoC server hostname or IP address.  
name Required. A human-readable name for your AoC server, for differentiation of multiple accounts.  
private_key Required. The full path to your SSH private key file.  
user Required. Your AoC user name (usually an email address).  
packages fields:      
auto_start Optional. Sets whether Cargo should automatically start checking for packages when it is launched. Cargo sets this value to true.
check_interval_seconds Optional. The time, in seconds, to elapse between checking for new packages. Valid values are 60, 300, 900, 1800, and 3600.

The default value is 900.

download_dir Required. The absolute path to the directory that will be used to store downloaded packages.  
passphrase_cleartext Optional; required for automatic package decryption. The passphrase that Cargo should use for automatic decryption of packages upon download.

If there is a passphrase mismatch, the file is left encrypted, but is downloaded successfully.

For security, the value you enter in the <passphrase_cleartext> field is stored in an encrypted form when you import the configuration file.
Important: If you use the <passphrase_cleartext> field, be sure to delete the configuration file after you have imported it, to avoid leaving the password in unencrypted form.
passphrase_enabled Optional. Set to true if you want Cargo to use a passphrase to decrypt packages.

Set the passphrase itself in the <passphrase_cleartext> field.

The default value is false.
separate_package_folders Optional. Set to true if you want packages with the same title to be downloaded to unique folders. The default value is true.
skip_owner_packages Optional. Set to true if Cargo should skip packages that you sent to yourself. The default value is false.
version Required. Cargo-internal data. Do not modify the value in this field.