Installing Desktop Client

To install Desktop Client, log in to your computer with root permissions.

Important: If this is a product upgrade, review all prerequisites that are in Before upgrading or downgrading.
  1. Download the HSTS installer from Fix Central.
  2. For product upgrades, ensure that you prepared your system to upgrade to a newer version.
    Although the installer performs your upgrade automatically, you must complete the tasks that are described in Before upgrading or downgrading
  3. Run the installer.
    Run the following commands with the admin permissions. Replace the product version with that of your package.
    OS Commands
    Red Hat®, zLinux, CentOS
    $ rpm -Uvh /path_to_installer/aspera-desktopclient-version.rpm 
    Note: If your Linux® OS is a minimal clean system, ensure that all the required dependencies are installed with your Aspera® application by installing the product with a yum install:
    $ yum --nogpgcheck install /path_to_installer/aspera-desktopclient-version.rpm 
    $ dpkg -i /path_to_installer/aspera-desktopclient-version.deb
  4. Installation troubleshooting.
    If the installer stops responding during installation, another Aspera product might be running on your computer. To stop all FASP® transfer-related applications and connections, see Before upgrading or downgrading.