LoopBack data source type

Use the LoopBack data source type to create configurations that use LoopBack® connectors to issue synchronous requests to create, retrieve, update, and delete data in a backend data source. Only the LoopBack connectors for MongoDB and PostgreSQL are supported.

Summary of key details for the configuration type

File name or type Contains secrets Path extracted/imported to Maximum allowed per integration runtime
ZIP Yes /home/aceuser/ace-server/config/connectors/loopback/ Multiple

About the LoopBack data source file

Create a configuration of type LoopBack data source to enable an integration runtime to manipulate data that is stored in a MongoDB or PostgreSQL database. You must configure the data source for the LoopBack connector by creating or updating a datasources.json file and specify security credentials if you are connecting to a secured data source. You must also provide a model definition file for the data model for the integration runtime to interact with.

The LoopBack data source type requires a .zip file that contains the entire contents of a LoopBack data source (datasources.json and data source model files), including the folder that has the LoopBack data source name. The .zip file contents are extracted into the /connectors/loopback directory in the integration runtime work path.

The maximum recommended size of a .zip file for a configuration is approximately 660 KB.

For more information, see Configuring the data source and models for your LoopBack connector and Using models with LoopBack connectors.

Creating a configuration for the LoopBack data source type by using the configuration panel

You can create a LoopBack data source-type configuration while creating an integration runtime, or independently, as follows:

  1. Open the Configuration page by clicking the Configuration icon Configuration icon in the navigation pane. Then, click Create configuration. For more information, see Creating configurations on the Configurations page.
  2. From the Create configuration panel, select LoopBack data source from the Type list.
  3. In the Name field, specify a name for this configuration.
  4. In the Description field, specify text that will help you identify the integration runtime that will use the files in the ZIP archive, or identify the content of the archive.
    Create configuration panel
  5. To import the LoopBack data source, click within the boxed area to select the ZIP file from a file browser, or drag-and-drop: the file. The name of the imported file is displayed.
    Imported ZIP file
  6. Click Create. The configuration is added to the configurations table and can be selected for use with an integration runtime.

Updating or deleting a configuration

If you need to update the content or settings in a configuration, or delete a configuration that's no longer needed, see Creating configurations on the Configurations page.