Agentx type

Use the Agentx type to create a configuration object (or agent) that a deployed integration runtime requires to connect to a switch server to run callable flows. Use this configuration to split message flow processing so that a callable message flow in one location can call another callable flow in another location.

Summary of key details for the configuration type

File name or type Contains secrets Path extracted/imported to Maximum allowed per integration runtime
agentx.json Yes /home/aceuser/ace-server/config/iibswitch/agentx/agentx.json 1

About the agentx.json file

If you want to split message flow processing between integration runtimes in different locations such as IBM® App Connect Enterprise (installed on premises) and the App Connect Dashboard (in your cluster), your flows need to communicate by using a switch server and connectivity agents. A switch server is a special type of integration server that routes data between the flows, and is typically created in the same namespace as your App Connect Dashboard instance. Connectivity agents contain the certificates that your flows require to communicate securely with the switch server. An agentx.json file is used to configure the connectivity agents to connect securely to the switch server.

The Agentx type is used to provide this agentx.json file, which typically contains the certificates and the location of the switch.

When a switch server is created, a configuration object of type Agentx is automatically created with the name switchServerName-agentx. If the switch server is created in the same namespace as your App Connect Dashboard instance, you see this preconfigured configuration object in the configurations table in the Dashboard, with the name default-agentx (assuming that the switch server was given the recommended name of default). If the integration runtime you are deploying includes a callable flow, the default-agentx checkbox is automatically selected and the configuration is applied.

An integration runtime can connect to only one switch server, so you can select (or apply) only one configuration of type Agentx for an integration runtime. However, multiple integration runtimes can connect to the same switch server.


Because a configuration of type Agentx is automatically provided for the default switch serer, you would need to manually create a configuration of this type only if you prefer to use an external switch server.

You can create the configuration files that are used to configure the switch server and connectivity agent by following the instructions at iibcreateswitchcfg command. You can then use the generated agentx.json file to create a configuration of type Agentx by completing the instructions in Creating a configuration for the Agentx type by using the configuration panel. (For information about creating an external switch server, see Preparing the environment to split processing between different integration servers.)

After you create the configuration, ensure that its check box is selected in the configurations table.

Creating a configuration for the Agentx type by using the configuration panel

If you want your integration runtime to connect to an external switch server instead of the internal switch server, you can create an Agentx-type configuration while creating an integration runtime, or independently. You must have generated an agentx.json file by following the instructions at iibcreateswitchcfg command.

  1. Open the Configuration page by clicking the Configuration icon Configuration icon in the navigation pane. Then, click Create configuration. For more information, see Creating configurations on the Configurations page.
  2. From the Create configuration panel, select Agentx from the Type list.
  3. In the Name field, specify a name for this configuration.
  4. In the Description field, specify text that might help you identify the external switch server being used.
    Create configuration panel
  5. Complete the Agentx section by completing either of the following steps:
    • Copy the contents of your generated agentx.json file and then paste it into the Agentx text editor.
      Agentx text editor with pasted contents
    • Import your generated agentx.json file from your file system:
      1. Click the Import agentx file icon Import icon.
      2. Click within the boxed area to select the file from a file browser, or drag-and-drop the file.
        Import agentx view

        The name of the imported file is displayed.

      3. If you want to view the file contents, click View file contents to return to the text editor.
        Agentx text editor with imported contents
    Tip: For security reasons, the agentx.json content that you add is available only as REDACTED content after you create the configuration. If you need to update this configuration later, you must upload another agentx.json file.
  6. Click Create. The configuration is added to the configurations table and can be selected for use with an integration runtime.

Updating or deleting a configuration

If you need to update the content or settings in a configuration, or delete a configuration that's no longer needed, see Creating configurations on the Configurations page.