Accounts type

Use the Accounts type to create configurations that contain account details that are used to connect to the applications or APIs that are referred to by your integrations.

You can create an Accounts configuration when you create an integration runtime, or you can create it from the Configuration page The icon that represents the Configuration view of the Dashboard instance of the App Connect Dashboard. You can create an Accounts configuration by completing the fields in the Configuration panels or by importing an accounts.yaml file that contains the settings. You can have only one Accounts configuration per integration runtime, but you can include credentials for multiple accounts in that Accounts configuration.

Creating an accounts.yaml file

You can specify account details as key and value pairs in an accounts.yaml file, which you can import into the configuration panel. To provide details in the configuration panel, see Creating configurations on the Configurations page. The following steps describe how to provide details in an accounts.yaml file.

  1. In a text editor, use the following guidelines to specify account details for one or more applications that your integrations connect to.
    • The first line of the file must start with the text accounts: followed by account details for each unique application (or connector) and account combination that is used in the flow.
    • An entry for an application (or connector) starts with its predefined name, followed by an authorization type, account name, credentials, and an endpoint.
      • The application (or connector) name is always mandatory.
      • An authorization type (identified by an authType parameter) is needed to define the mechanism that is used for user authorization. If only one authorization type is applicable, the authType value can be omitted because the default is automatically used. If more than one authorization type is applicable, specify the authType value in upper snake case format (UPPER_SNAKE_CASE) instead of camel case format (camelCase). Camel case formats of authType values in older accounts.yaml files are automatically converted to upper snake case as part of account creation. See the examples in the following table.
        Upper snake case format examples of the authType value Older camel case formats of the authType value
        BASIC basic
        BASIC_OAUTH basicOauth
        BASIC_API_KEY basicApiKey
        BASIC_IAM basicIam
        BASIC_NTLMv1 basicNtlMv1
        BASIC_PLAINTEXT basicPlaintext
        BASIC_SAML basicSaml
        BASIC_SSL basicSsl
        BASIC_SASL_PLAINTEXT basicSaslPlaintext
        BASIC_SASL_SSL basicSaslSsl
        OAUTH2_PASSWORD oauth2Password
        OAUTH2_CREDENTIALS oauth2Credentials
        OAUTH1_WEB oauth1web
        OAUTH2_WEB oauth2web
        NO_AUTH noAuth
      • The account name (identified by a name parameter) is always mandatory, and it must be identical to the account name that is used in the flow that was exported from the authoring environment.
      • The need for credentials or an endpoint depends on the connector. Where needed, account parameters for credentials or an endpoint are specified as key and value pairs, with predefined key names. For example:
        username: janedoe
        endpointUrl: ''
      • A value must be specified for each key and value pair that is identified as Required.
      • The key-and-value entry for an optional parameter can be omitted unless you specifically want to set a value.
      The following example shows the format to use when parameters need to be specified for an authorization type, credentials, and an endpoint.
          - authType: authValue
            name: accountName
              parameterName1: value1
              parameterName2: value2
              parameterNameN: valueN
              parameterURLName: 'URLvalue'
      The following example shows the format to use when parameters need to be specified for credentials, but not for an endpoint, and only one authorization type is supported (and therefore omitted).
          - name: accountName
              parameterName1: value1
              parameterName2: value2
              parameterNameN: valueN
            endpoint: {}
      The following example shows the format to use when no parameters need to be specified for credentials or an endpoint, and only one authorization type is supported (and therefore omitted).
          - name: accountName
            credentials: {}
            endpoint: {}
    • The file must contain valid YAML. Tab characters are not permitted, and must be replaced with spaces. You might find it helpful to use a YAML validation tool to check the content.
  2. Save the completed file with the name accounts.yaml, then close it.

Creating an Account configuration by using the Configuration panel

You can create an Account configuration on the Configuration page at any time, or you can create one when you create an integration runtime.

  1. Open the Configuration page by clicking the Configuration icon Configuration icon in the navigation pane. Then, click Create configuration. For more information, see Creating configurations on the Configurations page.
  2. From the Create configuration panel, select Accounts from the Type list.
  3. In the Name field, specify a name for this configuration.
  4. In the Description field, specify text that might help you identify the integration runtime for which the accounts are configured, or the application names or target instances that the accounts relate to.
    Create configuration panel
  5. In the Accounts section, add account details for one or more local connectors either by completing the Account details fields, or by importing an accounts.yaml file.
    • To use the Account details fields, complete the following steps.
      1. From the Application list, select an application, then specify a name for the account, connection credentials, and an endpoint (if required). For more information, see Defining account details.
        Specifying account details for an application
      2. If you need to provide credentials for just one account, click Create. Otherwise, click Add account to add credentials for another account. A new Account details group box is added to the fields that you completed.
      3. For each account that you want to add, select the application, complete the fields, and click Add account.
        Tip: You can view the YAML format for the accounts that you added by clicking Code. For security reasons, account details are available only in REDACTED format after you create the configuration. If you need to update these details later (for example, due to a password change), copy and save the YAML code to an accounts.yaml file as a backup. If necessary, you can then overwrite the outdated account details by updating the accounts.yaml file before you import it to replace the existing configuration.
        Code view of account details
    • To import a valid accounts.yaml file into the configuration panel, complete the following steps.
      1. Click the Import accounts file icon.
        Selecting the Import accounts file icon
      2. Click within the boxed area to select the file from a file browser, or drag-and-drop the file. (You can return to the Form view by clicking View file contents.)
        Import accounts.yaml view
      3. After you add the YAML file, you are returned to the Form view, where you can see the values from the YAML file in the Account details fields.
        If you click the Import accounts file icon again, you can see the name of your imported file.
        Imported accounts.yaml
  6. After you add all the accounts that you need, click Create. The configuration is added to the configurations table, where you can select it to use with an integration runtime.

Updating or deleting a configuration

If you need to update the account details that are defined in a configuration, or delete a configuration that you no longer need, see Managing configuration objects from the Configuration page.

Defining account details

The following topics describe the account details that a connector needs to connect to each application.