Yapily account details

To establish a connection to Yapily, you must add an account that defines the account details to connect with. You can define these details by creating a configuration object in the App Connect Dashboard, the Red Hat® OpenShift® web console or CLI, or the Kubernetes CLI.

Account parameters

You can define one or more accounts for Yapily.

For each account that you require, you can specify a new set of account details in any of the following ways:

  • If you are using the App Connect Dashboard, either complete the Account details fields in the Create configuration panel, or specify the account parameters in an accounts.yaml file before importing it into the Create configuration panel. For more information, see Accounts type.
  • If you are using the Red Hat OpenShift web console or CLI, or the Kubernetes CLI, specify the account parameters in an accounts.yaml file, and then use this configuration file to create a configuration object. For more information, see Creating the file for a configuration object of type Accounts.

The set of required and optional Account fields or parameters are listed in the following table.

For information about locating the values for these account parameters, see Locating the values for the account parameters.

Field Parameter Values Condition Description

Account name


User defined


The name of a Yapily account that is used in the exported flow.

Application key


User defined


If you are using basic authentication to establish a secure connection, specify the application key to use to connect to the Yapily API.

Application secret


User defined


If you are using basic authentication to establish a secure connection, specify the application secret to use to connect to the Yapily API.

Access token


User defined


If you are using token-based authentication to make authorized requests for financial data, specify the access token to use to connect to the Yapily API. If you set this parameter, leave the Application key and Application secret fields blank. The access token takes precedence over the application key and application secret.

Locating the values for the account parameters

To obtain connection values for Yapily, complete the following steps.
  1. From your Yapily dashboard, click My Applications.
  2. Obtain the key and secret for your application by using one of the following methods.
    • If you have created an application already, click to open it.

      The application key is shown on the Settings tab. The application secret was downloaded in a JSON file when the application was created. If you no longer have the downloaded secret, click Revoke Secret to generate a new secret, which you can then download.

    • If you have not created an application, click Add new, provide a name for your application, then click Create.

      The application key is shown, but the application secret is hidden. To download a JSON file that contains the key and secret, click Download Secret.

  3. If you are using token-based authentication, obtain a token from the Yapily OAuth token generator API at https://api.yapily.com/oauth/token by using the application key as the username, and the application key as the password. For more information, see Yapily API - OAuth.


Remember: An accounts.yaml file that defines one or more accounts must always begin with the following line:

Example 1 (Basic authentication):
    - name: Account 1
        key: d123a45b6-7890-1234-cdef-56g78901234h
        secret: 1f23a4b5c-6de7-89fg-hijk-l0m1no2345p3
      endpoint: {}
Example 2 (Token-based authentication):
    - name: Account 1
        token: >-
      endpoint: {}