Monitoring resources

Use the Monitor page to see the number of flow runs and latency values for your deployed integrations. If you're on the VPC hours plan, you can also see CPU and memory usage for your runtimes.

About this task

The Monitor page shows data in graph form and in tables. You can filter the type of data that you see, set a specific time period to collect data, and drill down to more detailed information about your resources. The type of data that you can see depends on the plan that you're on.
Note: Billing and monitoring data originate from the same source but are presented differently. Monitoring data is aggregated so that you can assess performance and identify issues. Therefore, it's normal for monitoring data to appear different from billing data. To view billing and usage data, click your initials in the App Connect Enterprise as a Service header and click IBM SaaS Console.
For both the flow runs and VPC hours plans, the Monitor page shows the following data for your deployed integrations.
Highest or lowest total flow runs
A flow run occurs whenever part of a flow is triggered. For example, in the following flow, a Salesforce "New case" event triggers the flow to complete three actions. Each time a new case is created in Salesforce, it triggers the flow to complete one or more of its actions, which counts as one flow run.
A Designer flow that contains a Salesforce "New case" event that triggers three actions.
(For more examples of a flow run, see Pricing plans.)
The flow runs graph shows data for the five integrations with the highest or lowest number of flow runs for the selected time range. The following example shows the five integrations with the highest number of flow runs in the previous hour. You can click Refresh The refresh icon to update the data. The same metrics are also shown in a table. You can select an integration from the graph usage list or from the table to see more detailed data about that integration.
A graph that shows the highest total flow runs for five integrations in the last hour.
Note: When many flow runs occurs in a short time, data points might be combined on the graph. For example, if 5 flow runs occurred within 5 minutes, one data point on the graph can represent those 5 flow runs. The average latency is calculated by dividing the total latency for all 5 flow runs by the number of flow runs.
Highest or lowest average latency
Latency is the time that elapses between when a flow is triggered and when it completes processing.
The latency graph shows data for the five integrations with the highest or lowest average latency (in milliseconds) for the selected time range, depending on the filter that you choose. The following example shows the five integrations with the highest average latency in the previous hour. You can click Refresh The refresh icon to update the data. The same metrics are also shown in a table.
A graph that shows the highest total flow runs for five integrations in the last hour.
Note: The latency values in the graph and table might not match because the averages are calculated in different ways. On the graph, average latency is calculated by dividing the total number of flow runs by the total amount of latency at each point in time. The table shows each individual latency value that contributes to the total latency for that time period.
Some data for integrations might not be available or as expected in the following circumstances.
  • Metrics aren't available for the first node or connector in a batch process.
  • Latency values aren't shown for the events that trigger event-driven flows. The time that elapses between when the event occurs in the source application and when App Connect Enterprise as a Service receives the event is unknown.
  • Metrics might not be available for a flow when it is triggered immediately after the runtime where it is deployed starts. Data is gathered at 30-second intervals. If a flow is triggered before the first data is gathered, no metrics are available to show.
  • You might see some data up to 90 seconds later than you expect because of the frequency of data collection.

If you're on the VPC hours plan, you can also view data for your runtimes and runtime containers.

Monitoring integrations and runtimes on the VPC hours plan

About this task

On the VPC hours plan, when you create a runtime, you select the size of runtime that is appropriate for the integration that you're deploying. CPU and memory values are shown for each integration size, but you can customize them. Within your runtime, specific containers support certain types of integration.
  • The runtime container is deployed to provide runtime support for Toolkit integrations or Designer integrations.
  • The designerflows container is deployed to support API flows in Designer integrations. This container also hosts action connectors for event-driven and API flows.
  • The designereventflows container is deployed to support event-driven flows in Designer integrations.
If you create runtime replicas, each replica also has its own containers. You can add and configure more containers to customize the amount of resources that are assigned to your runtime to run your flows. You can then use the monitoring data to check that the containers have the appropriate amount of resources. (For more information, see Creating an integration runtime.)
Note: You might notice missing or inaccurate values, particularly when your runtime has multiple replicas. When you use replicas for high availability, monitoring data can be missed when a different replica starts. If you believe that data is missing, check the logs for errors in your flows and monitor the CPU and memory data for the runtime. (For more information, see Viewing log messages in the log viewer.)

On the Runtimes tab of the Monitor page, the graphs and table show a summary of the highest or lowest memory and CPU usage for five runtime containers. You can select a runtime in the graph usage list or table to see more detailed data. Metrics show the highest and average usage, the usage limit, and the maximum usage as a percentage of the limit. If a runtime has replicas, the summary data includes the total usage for all containers across the runtime and its replicas. Data is shown for runtimes if their containers started successfully within the selected time period. Therefore, you might also see data for deleted runtimes if they ran during the selected time period.


  1. In App Connect Designer, open the Monitor page Icon that represents the Monitor page..
    Flow runs and latency metrics are shown on the Integrations tab and CPU and memory usage is shown on the Runtimes tab. CPU usage and memory usage are shown as percentages for the five integration runtimes with the highest or lowest usage.
    • By default, data is shown for the last hour, but you can select a different time period or set a custom time period within the last 24 hours.
      Note: A request for data for a large time period can affect response time. To improve response time, use the time period selector to focus on a more specific time period.
    • To see the time when the data was last updated, hover over the last updated value.
    • To update the data, click Refresh The Refresh icon, which updates the data..
    The screenshot shows that you can view data for a different time period, see when the data was last updated, and refresh the data.
  2. You can drill down into the data from the graphs in the following ways.
    • By default, the graphs show the runtime containers with the highest values, but you can also show the lowest usage.
    • By default, the graph shows data for all runtime container types. To show only the data for one type of container, click the label for the container in the legend. The containers that are provided to a runtime depend on the type of integrations that you deploy. The following example shows that the runtime that's running a Toolkit flow has a runtime container only. The runtime that's running an API flow has no designereventflows container.
    • To see data about container usage, hover over a bar in the graph. You can see the percentage usage of the container, the highest usage in MB, and the usage limit in MB.
    • The five runtimes with the highest individual container usage are also listed. Usage data is shown as a percentage with the name of the container. To view more details about CPU and memory usage for an individual runtime, click the name of the runtime in the list. When you click a runtime in the list, you can also see the flow runs and latency data for the integrations that are running in that runtime. You can then see more detailed information for each of those integrations, including a table that lists the nodes or connectors in that flow and how many times they were started.

      Depending on the workload, CPU usage for a container can briefly exceed the usage limit, which results in a usage value over 100%. In this situation, CPU throttling can occur until CPU usage returns to within the limit. Throttling can affect performance and runtime stability. Therefore, make sure that you configure your runtime with sufficient resources for your workload.

      The highest and lowest usage values that are shown for containers might vary depending on the time period that you select because data is aggregated at different intervals for each time period.

    The screenshot shows the graph of memory usage for 5 integration runtimes. The graph is described in the preceding text.
  3. The table lists the maximum CPU and memory usage for your runtime containers.
    • You can choose how many entries you show on each page of the table (up to a maximum of 15 items) by selecting the number of items per page.
    • To view more detailed usage data for each container in a runtime, expand the row for that container. For CPU usage, you can see the maximum number of cores that the container used during the selected time period. You can also see the lowest number of cores and the average usage during the time period. For memory usage, you can see the highest, lowest, and average usage for the time period.
    • To view more details about CPU and memory usage for an individual runtime, click the name of the runtime in the table.
    The screenshot shows the table of containers and shows that you can expand each row to see more data. You can also control how many containers are listed on each page of the table.
  4. If you click the name of a runtime in the usage list or table, you can see detailed usage data for the containers in that runtime for the selected time period.
    • The graphs show the total CPU usage in cores and memory usage in MB across all containers. To see the usage data for an individual container, click the name of the container in the legend.
      The screenshot shows the CPU and memory usage graphs for an individual integration runtime.
    • To return to the data for all runtimes, click Monitor in the page heading.

Monitoring integrations on the flow runs plan


  1. In App Connect Designer, open the Monitor page Icon that represents the Monitor page..
    Flow runs and latency metrics are shown for the five integrations with the highest or lowest values.
    • By default, data is shown for the last hour, but you can select a different time period or set a custom time period.
      Note: A request for data for a large time period can affect response time. To improve response time, use the time period selector to focus on a more specific time period.
    • To see the time when the data was last updated, hover over the last updated value.
    • To update the data, click Refresh The Refresh icon, which updates the data..
    The screenshot shows that you can view data for a different time period, see when the data was last updated, and refresh the data.
  2. You can drill down into the data from the graphs in the following ways.
    • By default, the graphs show the integrations with the highest values, but you can also show the lowest usage.
    • By default, the graph shows data for the five integrations with the highest or lowest usage. To show the data for one integration, click the label for the integration in the legend.
    • To see the number of flow runs or the average latency for an integration at a particular time, hover over that point in the graph. You can see the total number of flow runs or the average latency in milliseconds for that flow.
    A graph that shows the total flow runs for a selected integration during the past hour. The number of flow runs at a point in time is shown for a point in the graph.
  3. The table lists the total number of flow runs and average latency for your integrations.
    • You can choose how many entries you show on each page of the table (up to a maximum of 15 items) by selecting the number of items per page.
    • To view more detailed data for each integration, expand the row for that integration. You can see the maximum, lowest, and average values for flow runs and latency.
  4. If you click the name of an integration in the usage list or table, you can see detailed usage data for the integration for the selected time period.
    • For integrations, the graphs show the number of flow runs and the latency for that integration. The usage list also includes minimum, maximum, and average values for the flow. The table lists the nodes or connectors in the flow and the total number of times that they were started (triggered to complete an action).
      Two graphs show the number of flow runs and the latency values for an integration during the past hour. A table also lists the nodes in the flow and how often each node was invoked during the hour.
      Note: When you create an API flow in App Connect Designer, some nodes are created automatically in the background. You don't see these nodes in your API flow, but they're listed in the table so that you can monitor how often they're started and their average latency.
    • To return to the data for all integrations, click Monitor in the page heading.