Publishing a connector

When you publish a connector, you make it available for users to access it in IBM Automation Explorer. Connectors that are created in the Connector Development Kit are called community connectors and can be identified with the following icon.

A community connector
Figure 1. A community connector

To publish a connector, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Connector Development Kit home page, locate the connector that you want to work with.

  2. Ensure that the connector is marked as completed.

  3. Click the connector tile.

  4. Click the three-dot menu icon.

    Menu icon
    Figure 2. The Menu icon

  5. Click Publish. A new window is displayed to indicate that the connector will be reviewed and approved by IBM before it can be made available in IBM Automation Explorer.

  6. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description
    Publisher The name of the organization or company to be displayed in IBM Automation Explorer as the publisher of this connector.
    Website The applications website. When the connector is displayed in IBM Automation Explorer, users can click through to the website.
    Email address The email address of the main contact for this connector. (Only used as a point of contact for IBM and not published).
  7. Click the consent box to confirm that you allow IBM to store the email address that is provided in the Email address field. You also provide consent for the email address to be used when more information is required about the connector.

  8. Click Publish.


Your connector will be reviewed by IBM. When it is approved, it is made available in IBM Automation Explorer.

Note: If you edit a connector after it has been published, a new version of the connector will be created.