Backing up and restoring your IBM App Connect resources and persistent volumes on Red Hat OpenShift

You can back up and restore the IBM® App Connect resources and persistent volumes (PVs) in your cluster by using OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP), which safeguards customer applications on Red Hat OpenShift and facilitates disaster recovery.

Availability: Support for backup and restore operations is available only with IBM App Connect Operator 11.0.0 or later, and for operand versions whose spec.version value resolves to or later.
Note: This documented backup and restore process is specific to independent deployments of the IBM App Connect Operator, and for scenarios where App Connect Designer and App Connect Dashboard instances are not configured to use Keycloak for identity and access management (IAM).

If IAM is enabled in your deployment, see Backing up and restoring IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration for information about how to back up and restore your system.

OADP is based on the open source Velero tool that backs up, restores, and migrates Kubernetes clusters and persistent volumes (PVs). OADP provides a set of APIs to back up and restore Kubernetes resources, internal images, and PVs. Kubernetes resources and internal images are backed up to object storage, and persistent volumes (PVs) are backed up by creating snapshots or by using Restic, which is an integrated file-level backup tool.

OADP provides default Velero plugins to integrate with cloud storage providers that support back up and restore. App Connect also provides a custom Velero plugin to aid with the restoration of pods. This custom plugin removes network-specific pod annotations (such as IP addresses) that are included in the backup data for pods, to ensure that the restored pods can be reached. The custom plugin is built into a container image that is stored in the IBM Cloud Container Registry. You specify which plugins to use for your backup and restore operations when you configure a backup.

For more information, see OADP features and plugins.

OADP is available as an Operator in the Red Hat OpenShift OperatorHub.

Setting up your environment for backup and restore

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have cluster administrator authority with cluster-admin permissions.
  • Set up secure object storage for your backups; for example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3, Microsoft Azure S3, or S3-compatible object storage ( such as Multicloud Object Gateway or MinIO). For a list of the supported and unsupported object storage providers, and limitations, see About installing OADP in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.
    Requirement for an air-gapped environment: If you want to back up and restore your App Connect resources in an air-gapped cluster that is not connected to the internet, your object store must be accessible from within the restricted network.

Installing the OADP Operator

You can install the OADP Operator from the Red Hat OpenShift web console.

To install the Operator, search for the OADP Operator in the OperatorHub and then install it as described in Installing the OADP Operator in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation. Choose the stable-1.3 update channel and accept the remaining default settings.

OADP Operator tile in the OperatorHub

By default, the Operator is installed in the openshift-adp namespace (or project). When the installation completes, you can click View installed Operators in Namespace and then click OADP Operator to view details about the APIs that are provided. On the Details tab, these APIs are presented as a series of tiles. You will use the API named DataProtectionApplication in a subsequent task to create a Data Protection Application resource that defines configuration settings for your backup.

OADP Operator Details tab with the Provider APIs tiles
Requirement for an air-gapped environment: If you want to install the OADP Operator in an air-gapped cluster, you must first disable the default OperatorHub sources and mirror the Operator catalog. For more information, see Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks.

Making the custom Velero plugin accessible to your cluster's nodes

To enable the custom Velero plugin to be installed, you need to specify its image and name when you configure your backup. Therefore, you must ensure that the registry where the plugin is stored is accessible to your cluster's nodes.

In an online cluster with access to public registries, you can pull the custom plugin image directly from the IBM Cloud Container Registry on the Docker server If you don't have a Kubernetes pull secret that allows you to pull App Connect images from this registry, you need to first obtain an entitlement key. You can then either add the entitlement key as a pull secret to the openshift-adp namespace where the OADP Operator is installed, or add it to the global image pull secret for all namespaces in your cluster.

  1. To obtain an entitlement key, complete the steps in Obtaining an entitlement key.
  2. To add the entitlement key to the openshift-adp namespace, complete the steps in Adding an entitlement key to a namespace.

    If you prefer to add the entitlement key to the global image pull secret, you can update this secret to add the cp username, and the entitlement key as the password. For more information, see Updating the global cluster pull secret in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

Requirements for an air-gapped environment:
  1. If you are using an air-gapped cluster, pull the custom plugin image from the IBM Cloud Container Registry to an internal (or local) Docker registry in your restricted network. (Ensure that the local registry allows path separators in the image name.)
    1. To obtain an entitlement key that is required to pull images from the IBM Cloud Container Registry, complete the steps in Obtaining an entitlement key.
    2. Log in to the Docker server by running the docker login command with cp as your username and your entitlement key as the password.
      docker login -u cp -p myEntitlementKey
    3. Use Docker to pull the custom plugin image.
      docker pull

      For a list of each image that is provided for an IBM App Connect Operator version, see Image locations for the custom Velero plugin in the IBM Cloud Container Registry.

    4. Use docker login to log in to your local registry. Then, push the image to this registry.
  2. Ensure that the local registry is accessible from your cluster's nodes. To configure your cluster with authentication credentials to pull the custom plugin image from the local registry, complete the following steps:
    1. From the command line, log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
    2. Create a pull secret, which contains the username and password for authenticating to the local registry, in the openshift-adp namespace. Alternatively, add these credentials to the global image pull secret for your cluster as described in Updating the global cluster pull secret in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

Configuring your object store for backup and restore operations

To use your object store as a backup location, you need to configure the object store for OADP. The way in which you do so is specific to the object store provider, but basic requirements apply.

  1. Create a storage (S3) bucket or storage container in which to store the App Connect backup.
  2. Create an account with authentication credentials to access the object store, and assign permissions to define what actions are allowed on the bucket or container for backup and restore.
  3. Create a credentials-velero file that contains the account credentials for accessing the object store. The contents of this file depend on your object store and whether you want to back up not just your resources to a backup location, but also back up persistent volumes (PVs) to a snapshot location.

    The following example shows the credentials-velero file contents for AWS or S3-compatible object storage, where the same credentials are used for the backup and snapshot locations under a default profile.

    # cloud
  4. If your backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location, create a default secret in the openshift-adp namespace to store the credentials in your credentials-velero file. You will need to specify this secret when you configure your backup later. (If you are using different credentials for your backup and snapshot locations, you might need to create two secrets if required for your object store.) In these instructions, it is assumed that the same credentials are used for the backup and snapshot locations for S3-compatible object storage MinIO.
    1. From the command line, log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
    2. Create a secret named cloud-credentials, with a key (cloud), and the file path and name of the credentials-velero file.
      oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
For specific configuration steps that apply to the supported object store providers, see the following information in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation:

Configuring backup by using the Data Protection Application

To run backup and restore operations, you need to first define your backup configuration settings, which identify details such as the object store provider, the location and credentials for the backup location, the Velero plugins to install, and the snapshot location. You define these configuration settings by deploying a DataProtectionApplication resource, which is one of the APIs that the OADP Operator provides.

To deploy a DataProtectionApplication resource, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation in the Red Hat OpenShift web console, click Operators > Installed Operators.
  2. Ensure that the openshift-adp namespace (or project) is selected and then click OADP Operator.
  3. From the Details tab on the Operator details page, locate the DataProtectionApplication tile and click Create instance.
  4. From the Create DataProtectionApplication page, complete the fields in the Form view, or switch to the YAML view to define your settings.

    The values that you specify depend on the type of object store, as detailed in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation. For example, if you are using an AWS object store, follow the instructions in Configuring the OpenShift API for Data Protection with Amazon Web Services.

    The following example shows the YAML settings for backing up resources to an S3-compatible MinIO object store, where:

    • The spec.backupLocations.velero block defines the endpoint URL for accessing the object store instance, and the credentials (key and secret) for authenticating to the object store. (In this example, the same credentials are used for the backup and snapshot locations.) The block also specifies a bucket to use as the backup (and default) storage location, and identifies the backup storage provider. The text string velero is also specified as a prefix (or path inside a bucket), which can be applied to Velero backups if the bucket is used for multiple purposes.
    • The spec.configuration.velero block identifies the default Velero plugins (mandatory and storage-specific) to install. This block also identifies the image for the custom Velero plugin in the IBM Cloud Container Registry. This image is pulled from the registry by using a pull secret that stores your entitlement key.

      For a list of each custom Velero plugin image that is provided for an IBM App Connect Operator version, see Image locations for the custom Velero plugin in the IBM Cloud Container Registry.

    • The spec.configuration.restic block enables Restic installation for the PVs.
    • The spec.snapshotLocations.velero block identifies settings for the snapshot location.
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: oadp-minio
      namespace: openshift-adp
        - velero:
              profile: default
              region: minio
              s3ForcePathStyle: 'true'
              s3Url: 'http://yourS3StorageLocation:9000'
              key: cloud
              name: cloud-credentials
            default: true
              bucket: acm-backup
              prefix: velero
            provider: aws
          enable: true
            - image: ''
              name: appcon-plugin
            - openshift
            - aws
            - kubevirt
        - velero:
              profile: default
              region: minio
            provider: aws

  5. Click Create.
    Tip: You can alternatively use the command line to deploy the DataProtectionApplication resource by defining your YAML manifest in a file (for example, DataProtectionApplication.yaml) and then running the following command.
    oc apply -f DataProtectionApplication.yaml
  6. To verify that the installation was successful, complete the following steps:
    1. Run this command to view the OADP resources in the openshift-adp namespace.
      oc get all -n openshift-adp

      You should see a list of resources such as pods, services, daemon sets, deployments, replica sets, and image streams. Look for an entry for the Velero pod, which is shown in the format pod/velero-uniqueID (for example, pod/velero-75b9bdc98d-c7t7z). The pod should display a status of Running to indicate that the Velero instance is running.

    2. Verify that the deployed DataProtectionApplication resource is reconciled.
      oc get dpa dpa-sample -n openshift-adp -o jsonpath='{.status}'

      In the output, the type value should be set to Reconciled.

    3. Verify that the Velero pod has the custom plugin defined.
      oc get pods -n openshift-adp veleroPodName -o yaml
      For example:
      oc get pods -n openshift-adp velero-75b9bdc98d-c7t7z -o yaml
      In the status section of the output, check for the custom plugin name (for example, appcon-plugin) that you specified in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).
    4. Verify that a BackupStorageLocation object is available. This object is generated for the deployed DataProtectionApplication resource within the openshift-adp namespace, and identifies the bucket where backup objects are stored, and the S3 URL and credentials for accessing this bucket.
      oc get backupStorageLocation -n openshift-adp

      In the output, the BackupStorageLocation object is named in the format DPAname-1. Verify that PHASE has a value of Available:

      NAME           PHASE       LAST VALIDATED   AGE    DEFAULT
      oadp-minio-1   Available   30s              203d   true
      Tip: From the Red Hat OpenShift web console, you can view the BackupStorageLocation object by accessing the BackupStorageLocation tab for the OADP Operator in the openshift-adp namespace.

Your system is now configured and ready to run backup and restore operations by using OADP.

Backing up your App Connect resources and PVs

You can specify the resources to back up and the storage location by using a supplied script. This script backs up only App Connect resources and PVs.

Before you run the backup, ensure that your deployed DataProtectionApplication resource is in a Ready state. Also wait for a period of minimal activity to run the backup script to ensure that the correct state is captured for resources such as flows.

Restriction: You cannot use the script to run scheduled backups.

To back up your App Connect resources and PVs, complete the following steps:

  1. From the command line, log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
  2. Download the attached file, which contains the script.
  3. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a directory on your local computer.
  4. Navigate to this directory and then run the script, where:
    • namespaces_to_back_up identifies one or more namespaces that contain resources to be backed up. Use a comma separator if you need to specify multiple namespaces.
    • backupName is a unique name for this backup.
    ./ namespaces_to_back_up backupName

    For example:

    ./ ace appconnect-backup01
    Tip: Make a note of the backupName value because you will need to specify it if you need to restore the backup. You can also find this value later by running this command:
    oc get backup -n openshift-adp

    The following sequence of steps occurs when the backup script runs:

    1. The script applies resource-specific labels to the primary custom resources (CRs) for all your App Connect Dashboard instances, App Connect Designer instances, switch servers, integration servers, integration runtimes, and configuration objects, which it finds in the specified namespaces. Managed or secondary resources that are owned by the deployed primary CRs are similarly labeled; for example, secrets, deployments, services, pods, replica sets, and persistent volume claims.
    2. The script applies labels to your cluster-scoped or namespace-scoped IBM App Connect Operator subscription, and any related OperatorGroup and CatalogSource resources.
    3. The script generates a Backup CR in the openshift-adp namespace with the following specification:
      • Assigns the backupName value that you specified earlier to
      • Identifies which resources to include in the backup based on the labels, and which resources to exclude from the backup.
      • Assigns the name of the BackupStorageLocation object, which represents the storage location for the backed-up data, to spec.storageLocation.
    4. The script deploys the Backup CR and the OADP Operator initiates the backup. The backup runs in the background with no disruption to your system.
  5. Wait for the backup to complete. The following messages are output to indicate that the backup is in progress, and to subsequently confirm its completion.
    Waiting for backup to complete
    Backup has completed
    Tip: From the Red Hat OpenShift web console, you can view the Backup CR that was generated by accessing the Backup tab for the OADP Operator in the openshift-adp namespace. A successful backup is assigned a Completed status.
    Contents of the Backup tab for the OADP Operator in the openshift-adp namespace
  6. To verify that the backup was successful, complete the following steps:
    1. Inspect the backup that was created in your object store bucket.
    2. Run a test restore operation that uses the backup. For example, restore the backup to a designated cluster as described in Restoring your App Connect resources and PVs from a backup. When the operation completes, verify that you can see all your App Connect Designer instances (including the flows and accounts), App Connect Dashboard instances (including the BAR files in the content server), switch servers, integration servers, integration runtimes, and configuration objects. Workload and networking artifacts should also be restored.

Restoring your App Connect resources and PVs from a backup

If you need to restore App Connect resources and PVs that were previously backed up, you can initiate the restore operation by deploying a Restore resource in your cluster, or by running a supplied script. You can restore a backup into the same cluster (for an in-place recovery) or into a new cluster (which is typical for disaster recovery).

Before you begin

Before you run the restore operation, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • If you are restoring the backup in the same cluster, ensure that your deployed DataProtectionApplication resource is in a Ready state.
  • Ensure that your object store instance where the backup is stored is available, and that the credentials that were used to access the bucket to back up data are still valid.
  • If you intend to restore the backup in a new cluster, prepare the new cluster as follows:

    1. Ensure that the cluster has the same hostname, configuration, and access as the cluster that you backed up from. For example, ensure that the cluster can access the storage location that contains the backups. The cluster must also have the same storage classes as the original cluster, with the same names that are used by the instances that you back up.
    2. Install and configure the OADP Operator and then deploy a DataProtectionApplication resource that has same configuration as the resource in the old cluster.

Restoring a backup

When you deploy a Restore resource or run a script to restore a backup, you need to specify the name that was assigned when creating the backup. If you need to, you can find the backup name by running the following command or by accessing the Backup tab for the OADP Operator.
oc get backup -n openshift-adp

When the restore operation runs, the backup name is used to identify which resources need to be restored, and the resources are then recreated and started where relevant. The resources are restored in an ordered sequence.

To initiate a restore operation for a backup that you created earlier, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose your preferred method for running the restore operation:
    • In the namespace where the OADP Operator is installed, deploy a Restore resource that defines which resources you want to restore from a named backup.
      1. From your local computer, create a text file (for example appconnect_restore.yaml) with the following YAML content, where:
        • is the name of the Restore resource; for example, full-appconnect-restore.
        • spec.backupName is the name of the backup that you want to restore; for example, appconnect-backup01.
        • excludedResources identifies which resources the restore operation should exclude.
        • restorePVs is set to true to indicate that persistent volumes should be restored.
        kind: Restore
        name: restoreObjectName
        namespace: openshift-adp
        backupName: backupName
        - nodes
        - events
        - clusterserviceversions
        - installplan
        restorePVs: true
      2. Deploy the resource in either of the following ways.
        • Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift web console. Click the Import YAML icon Import YAML icon, and then copy and paste the YAML content into the Import YAML editor. Then, click Create.
        • From the command line, log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command. Then, deploy the Restore resource as follows:
          oc apply -f appconnect_restore.yaml
      3. Check the status of the restore operation in either of the following ways.
        • From the Red Hat OpenShift web console, access the Restore tab for the OADP Operator in the openshift-adp namespace. A successful restore object is assigned a Completed status.
        • Run the following command.
          oc describe restore restoreObjectName -n openshift-adp

          In the output, check the Status section. If the restore operation is still running, the Phase value might be shown as InProgress and the Progress details should indicate the total number of items to be restored and the number of items that have currently been restored.

          Alternatively, run the following command.

          oc get restore restoreObjectName -n openshift-adp -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}'

          When complete, you should see the following output.

          Phase:              Completed
    • Run the script.
      1. From the command line, log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
      2. Download the attached file, which contains the script.
      3. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a directory on your local computer.
      4. Navigate to this directory and then run the script with the backup name that you specified when backing up your data.
        ./ backup_to_restore_from

        For example:

        ./ appconnect-backup01
      5. Wait for the script to complete. The following messages are output to indicate that the restore is in progress, and to confirm its completion.
        Waiting for restore to complete
        Restore has completed
      6. To check whether the restore operation has been completed, run the following command.

        oc get restore restoreObjectName -n openshift-adp -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}'
  2. To verify that all your App Connect resources have been restored, run the following command to list the resources that are in the namespace where the IBM App Connect Operator is installed.
    oc get all -n namespaceName

    You should see a list of resources such as pods, services, deployments, replica sets, stateful sets, jobs, routes, Dashboard instances, Designer instances, integration servers, integration runtimes, switch servers, and configuration objects.

    You can also check the persistent volume claims, which should display a STATUS value of Bound.
    oc get pvc -n namespaceName


If you encounter any issues with OADP backup and restore, see Troubleshooting in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.