Configure a server TCP/IP
socket to receive XML data ending in a null character, by the use
of a message flow with TCPIPServerInput and MQOutput nodes.
About this task
Scenario: A client application sends XML data that
is delimited by a null character (hex code ‘00').
Instructions: The
following steps describe how to break up the record based on the null
character, then parse the data.
- Create a message flow called TCPIP_Task11 with
a TCPIPServerInput node
and an MQOutput node.
- Connect the Out terminal of the TCPIPServerInput node to the
In terminal of the MQOutput node.
- Set the following properties of the TCPIPServerInput node:
- On the Basic tab, set the Connection details property to 14151.
- On the Input Message Parsing tab,
set the Message domain property
- On the Records and elements tab,
set the following properties:
- Set the Record detection property
to Delimited.
- Set the Delimiter property
to Custom delimiter.
- Set the Custom delimiter property
to 00.
- On the MQOutput node,
set the Queue name property
(on the Basic tab) to TCPIP.TASK11.IN1.
- Save the message flow.