Command-line options for installing IBM App Connect Enterprise on Windows

You can use command-line options to customize the installation process.

You can use one or more of the command-line options with the ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe command, as described in the following table. The following options affect the installation operation, and any that you specify on the command must precede the other (product-related) options that you specify:
  • -install
  • -uninstall
  • -quiet
  • -silent
  • -log filename
Purpose Command-line option
Accept the license. This option is mandatory when you run the installation in silent mode. -licenseAccept yes
Run the installation in silent mode; the installation is completed in the background.

You must run the command from an elevated command prompt (a command prompt where you have administrative privileges), otherwise you are prompted for an administration password.

If you use a script to run an installation in silent mode, you must ensure that the script runs in the directory where you downloaded the installation files. For more information, see Installing IBM App Connect Enterprise on Windows.

-silent or -quiet
For example:
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -quiet -licenseAccept yes
Install IBM App Connect Enterprise to a directory of your choice. -installFolder "install_location", where install_location is the fully qualified path of the directory where you want to install IBM App Connect Enterprise.
For example:
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -installFolder "C:\ACEV13"
Save the installation log file in a custom location. By default, the installation log is saved in the system temporary directory. -log "log_location", where log_location is the fully qualified path to the file where you want to save the log information for the IBM App Connect Enterprise installation.
For example:
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -log "C:\InstallLogs\ace_v13.log"
Do not install the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. -installToolkit no
For example:
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -installToolkit no

Do not install the IBM App Connect Enterprise Connector Discovery and OpenAPI Editor.

-installElectronApp no
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -installElectronApp no

Do not install the IBM App Connect Enterprise Cloud Connectors.

-installCloudConnectors no
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -installCloudConnectors no
Install the WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository nodes. -installWSRRnodes yes
For example:
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -installWSRRnodes yes
Uninstall IBM App Connect Enterprise. -uninstall
For example:
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -uninstall
List the most commonly used command-line options. -help
For example:
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -help
Do not enable the collection of anonymous usage statistics. -anonymousUsageStatistics no
For example:
ACESetup 13.0.n.0.exe -anonymousUsageStatistics no