Restricting breakpoints in the flow debugger to specific flow instances

Breakpoints can be applied to particular flow instances, instead of all instances, which is the default behavior.

Before you begin

Add one or more breakpoints to your message flow. See: Adding breakpoints in the flow debugger.

About this task

When you add a breakpoint to a message flow in the Message Flow editor, the breakpoint automatically applies to all instances of the flow. However, you can restrict a breakpoint to one or more instances of a flow. This enables you to work more easily with just those instances that you are currently interested in, rather than with all instances.

To restrict a breakpoint to one or more flow instances:


  1. Switch to the Debug perspective.
  2. In the Breakpoints view, right-click the breakpoint that you want to restrict, then click Properties to open the Flow Breakpoints Properties window.
  3. In the Restrict to Selected Flow Instance(s) list box, select those instances to which you want to restrict the breakpoint.
    • You must have at least one instance active; if not, the Restrict to Selected Flow Instance(s) list box is empty.
    • If any instance is currently paused at the breakpoint, all check boxes in the Restrict to Selected Flow Instance(s) list box are disabled and you cannot select them.
  4. Click OK.

What to do next

Now you can add additional breakpoints (if needed), step through the flow instance, and work with data: