View information from deployed resourced in an IBM® App Connect Dashboard.
About this task
You can view information from integration servers that are connected to the IBM App Connect Dashboard, and that your account is authorized to view. To view
information from a specific integration server, complete step 1. To view information from all the integration servers, complete
step 2.
- To view information from a specific integration server, for
example, the details of a message flow that is deployed in an application, complete the following
- In the Dashboard view of the IBM App Connect Dashboard, click
Servers. Integration servers that are connected to the IBM App Connect Dashboard, and that your account is authorized to view, are
- Click the Open List of Options icon for an integration server.
Then, click Open in the menu.
If any applications are deployed to the
integration server, they are displayed in the Dashboard view.
- Click the Open List of Options icon for an application. Then,
click Open in the menu.
If any message flows are contained in the
deployed application, they are displayed in the Dashboard view.
- Click the Open List of Options icon for a message flow. Then,
click Open in the menu.
You can view information about the message flow
by clicking the Properties tab or the Activity log
- To view information from all integration servers that are connected to
the IBM App Connect Dashboard, and that your account is authorized to view,
click Integrations in the Dashboard view of the IBM App Connect Dashboard.
If any resources are deployed to any of the integration servers that your account is authorized
to view, they are displayed in the Dashboard view. You can view information by clicking the
Open List of Options icon on the tile of any resource that is displayed.
What to do next
You can share connection information with other users, as described in Sharing connection information with other users in an IBM App Connect Dashboard.