Starting an IBM App Connect Dashboard by using the Dashboard command
Start an IBM® App Connect Dashboard by using the Dashboard command.
- Before you run the Dashboard command, create a work directory and edit the dashboard.conf.yaml to reference a non-default port number. Then, run the Dashboard command without the --port-number parameter.
- Run the Dashboard command, and specify a non-default value for the --port-number parameter.
- Before you run the Dashboard command, create a work directory and edit the sslPassword parameter in --work-dir\dashboard.conf.yaml to show your password. Then, run the Dashboard command without the --ssl-password parameter.
- If you prefer not to specify the password in the --work-dir\dashboard.conf.yaml file, you can run the Dashboard command with the --ssl-password parameter. For more information, see Dashboard command.
# Reject connections to TLS endpoints presenting a certificate not signed by a trusted CA (i.e. self-signed certificates)
rejectUnauthorized: true
port: 7700 # Set the Admin REST API Port for ACE Web UI and Toolkit. Defaults to 7700
# Note the Admin REST API will be insecure without the following being set
host: 'localhost' # Set the hostname otherwise we bind to the unspecified address
# SSL Server auth
# sslCertificate: '/path/to/myKeystore.p12'
# sslPassword: 'passw0rd'
# SSL Client auth
# requireClientCert: true # Request a certificate from the client
# caPath: '/path/to/CA/certificates' # CA certs, all files at this path will be read
Dashboard --work-dir C:\myDashboardWorkDir
To start the dashboard, and use a work directory of C:\myDashboardWorkDir1, and specify a non-default port, run the following command. In this example, a value of 7701 is used for --port-number:
Dashboard --work-dir C:\myDashboardWorkDir1 --port-number 7701
Dashboard --work-dir C:\myDashboardWorkDir2 --port-number 7702 --ssl-password mySSLPassword
In this example, a value of 7702 was used for --port-number, and a value of mySSLPassword was used for --ssl-password.
To use the command with the --ssl-password parameter, you must configure the --work-dir\dashboard.conf.yaml file with a value for the sslCertificate parameter. You can configure the dashboard.conf.yaml file after you run the command. Alternatively, before you run the command, you can create the work directory C:\myDashboardWorkDir2, and copy the provided sample dashboard.conf.yaml file into the directory. Then, configure the dashboard.conf.yaml file with values for sslCertificate, and sslPassword before you run the command.
The sample dashboard.conf.yaml file is located in the samples\configuration folder of the installation directory. For example, C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\server\sample\configuration,
What to do next
Log in to the IBM App Connect Dashboard, as described Logging in and out of an IBM App Connect Dashboard.