
An editor is a component of the IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. Editors are typically used to edit or browse resources, which are the files, folders, and projects that exist in the workbench.

When you open a file for editing, for example by double-clicking it in the Application Development view, the default editor associated with that file opens in the editor area of the current perspective. By default, the editor area is in the upper-right corner of the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit window.

Open resources with the default editor because other editors might not validate the changes correctly.

You can open any number of editors at the same time, but only one editor is active at a time. The main menu bar and main toolbar display the operations that apply to the active editor. By default, editors are stacked in the editor area, but you can tile them to view source files simultaneously. For more information, see Tiling editors in the Eclipse Workbench User Guide. Tabs in the editor area indicate the names of the resources that are open for editing. An asterisk (*) indicates that an editor has unsaved changes. If you attempt to close the editor or exit the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit with unsaved changes, you are prompted to save the changes.

More information about each of the editors provided by IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit can be found in the following topics: