Changing IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit preferences

The IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit has many preferences that you can change to suit your requirements. Some of these preferences are specific to IBM App Connect Enterprise. Other preferences control more general options, such as the colors and fonts in which information is displayed.


To access the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit preferences, complete the following steps.

  1. Select Window > Preferences.
  2. Click the plus sign that is associated with General, typically the first entry in the left pane.
    An expanded list of options appears, Select the aspect of the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit that you want to modify. These options might be of interest:
    Startup and shutdown
    Display or suppress the dialog that prompts you to confirm the workspace location when you start IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. By default, the dialog is suppressed.

    Specify whether to display the dialog box that prompts you to confirm shutdown of the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.

    Change the default fonts and colors that appear in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.
    Choose whether to open a new perspective in a new window.
  3. When you have made your changes, click OK to close the Preferences dialog.

What to do next

Below the General category in the Preference dialog, there are items that refer specifically to IBM App Connect Enterprise resources, such as message flows. Review the following topics for information about setting preferences and other values that are specific to your use of these resources: