Example test case for a REST API GET operation

You can generate a test case for a REST API GET operation, as shown in this example.

Before you begin

Read the following topics:

About this task

The following example code shows a test case generated for a GET operation, in which an ID is specified using a path parameter:

package test;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import com.ibm.integration.test.v1.NodeSpy;
import com.ibm.integration.test.v1.SpyObjectReference;
import com.ibm.integration.test.v1.TestMessageAssembly;
import com.ibm.integration.test.v1.exception.TestException;

import static com.ibm.integration.test.v1.Matchers.*;
import static net.javacrumbs.jsonunit.JsonMatchers.jsonEquals;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;

public class CustomerDatabaseV1_getCustomer_subflow_0001_IntegrationTest {

	 * CustomerDatabaseV1_getCustomer_subflow_0001_IntegrationTest
	 * Integration test generated by IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit on 26-Apr-2021 14:28:46

	public void CustomerDatabaseV1_getCustomer_subflow_TestCase_001() throws TestException {

		// Define the SpyObjectReference
		SpyObjectReference nodeReference = new SpyObjectReference().application("CustomerDatabaseV1")
				.messageFlow("gen.CustomerDatabaseV1").node("getCustomer (Implementation)");

		// Initialise a NodeSpy
		NodeSpy nodeSpy = new NodeSpy(nodeReference);

		// Declare a new TestMessageAssembly object for the message being sent into the node
		TestMessageAssembly inputMessageAssembly = new TestMessageAssembly();

		// Variables used for setting parameters in Local Environment
		String customerId = "0";

		// Add Local Environment to Message Assembly for HTTP

		// Add Local Environment to Message Assembly for REST
		inputMessageAssembly.localEnvironmentPath("REST.Input.Path").setValue("/customerdb/v1/customers/" + customerId);
				.setValue("http://localhost/customerdb/v1/customers/" + customerId);

		// Call the message flow node with the Message Assembly
		nodeSpy.evaluate(inputMessageAssembly, true, "Input");

		// Assert the number of times that the node is called
		assertThat(nodeSpy, nodeCallCountIs(1));

		// Assert the terminal propagate count for the message
		assertThat(nodeSpy, terminalPropagateCountIs("Output", 1));

		/* Compare Output Message 1 at output terminal Output */

		try {

			TestMessageAssembly actualMessageAssembly = null;
			String actualOutputData = null;
			String expectedOutputData = null;

			// Get the TestMessageAssembly object for the actual propagated message
			actualMessageAssembly = nodeSpy.propagatedMessageAssembly("Output", 1);

			// Assert output message body data
			// Get the string containing the actual data that was propagated from the node
			actualOutputData = actualMessageAssembly.getMessageBodyAsString();

			// Create an InputStream from the expected resource
			String expectedResourcePath = "/getCustomer_subflow_output_data.json";
			InputStream resourceStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
			if (resourceStream == null) {
				throw new TestException("Unable to locate resource: " + expectedResourcePath);
			byte[] buffer = new byte[resourceStream.available()];

			// Get the expected output data using output data file
			expectedOutputData = new String(buffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

			// Assert that the actual data matches the expected data
			assertThat(actualOutputData, jsonEquals(expectedOutputData));

		} catch (Exception ex) {
			throw new TestException("Failed to compare with expected message", ex);


The output file /getCustomer_subflow_output_data.json is generated from the Open API definition for the REST API. It contains the following string:
The output message assembly is generated from /getCustomer_subflow_output_data.json. It is generated using the following code:

// Assert output message body data
// Get the string containing the actual data that was propagated from the node
	actualOutputData = actualMessageAssembly.getMessageBodyAsJSON();