To create web services solutions, create integration solutions by using integration services.
About this task
In IBM® App Connect Enterprise, an integration service is a specialized
application that has a tightly defined interface and operations. You
can configure the integration service so that you can call the operations
from a web service (by using a SOAP/HTTP binding),
or from a JavaScript program
(by using a JavaScript API
binding). For more information, see Integration services.
To build an integration service:
- Create an integration service interface.
You have the following options:
- If your integration service is
not based on imported WSDL or a Business Process Manager service,
specify the interface by defining the operations. See Defining the operations in a service interface.
- Optional: Create a library to contain a logical
grouping of related code, schemas, message models, and other resources
that can be reused. For more information, see Creating a library.
- Optional: Define the required library references
in the integration services,
as described in Referencing resources in other libraries. To include one
or more libraries of resources in your integration service, you create references
to those libraries.
- Optional: Create other resources that you need
in a library. These resources can be reused by other integration services or applications.
For more information, see Creating resources in a library.
- Use the Service editor to implement each service operation
as a subflow. See Implementing an integration service operation.
- Use the Service editor to implement a subflow for each
available error handler. See Implementing an integration service error handler subflow.
- Generate your own HTTP binding for the service.
- Optional: Generate a JavaScript client API so that
you can call the integration service from
a program that is running in a JavaScript environment. For more information
about the JavaScript client
API, see Integration service JavaScript client API.
What to do next
- Deploy and test your integration service. For more information,
see How do I deploy and test message flows?.
- View the deployed service by using the web user interface or the WebSphere Application Server administration console.
For more information, see one of the following topics.