Converting from a single-user installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise to a shared installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise

If you deployed a single-user installation of IBM® App Connect Enterprise, you can convert the deployment to a shared installation so that the deployment can be used by multiple users.

About this task

When you install IBM App Connect Enterprise a work path directory is created where components store internal data, such as installation logs, component details, and trace output. You can change the location of the work path directory if you want; see Changing the location of the IBM App Connect Enterprise working directory.

On all platforms except Windows, IBM App Connect Enterprise can be deployed with a private work path directory, which means that the deployment can be used only by the user ID that installed IBM App Connect Enterprise. To convert a single-user installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise to a shared installation, configure the deployment to use a shared work path directory by completing the following steps:


  1. Log in as root or as a user that has write access to the /var directory.
  2. Open a command window and navigate to the installation directory.
    For example, install_dir/ace-13.0.n.0 where install_dir is the directory where you unpacked the installation image.
  3. Type ./ace make registry global

    /var/mqsi is created as the new IBM App Connect Enterprise work path directory.

  4. To give a user access to the shared installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise, add the user to the mqbrkrs group by using the security facilities that are provided by your operating system.


You configured an IBM App Connect Enterprise deployment so that the deployment can be used by multiple users.
Note: On Linux®, if you want a shared installation of the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit that can be used by all users of the computer, you must ensure that all users have read access to the install_dir/ace-13.0.n.0/tools directory.