Deploying the HTTP proxy servlet on a servlet container

Load and install the HTTP proxy servlet file on a servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat, WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Profile, or an application server such as WebSphere Application Server.

Before you begin

Before you deploy the HTTP proxy servlet, you must complete the following tasks:

About this task

Supported operating systems
This documentation describes the installation on Windows, but the HTTP proxy servlet can be installed on any operating system that is supported by the servlet container.
Prerequisite components
In addition to IBM App Connect Enterprise, the HTTP proxy servlet requires the following components:
  • A supported version of IBM MQ. For the latest details of all supported levels of hardware and software, see the IBM App Connect Enterprise system requirements website.
  • A servlet container, such as WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile or Apache Tomcat, or an application server, such as WebSphere Application Server.
The following topics describe how to deploy the HTTP proxy servlet onto WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, Apache Tomcat, and WebSphere Application Server; however, the process is similar for other servlet containers or web servers:


You have deployed the HTTP proxy servlet on a servlet container or web server

What to do next

Test the HTTP proxy servlet. For information about how to complete this task, see Testing the HTTP proxy servlet.