Configuring the HTTP proxy servlet

Configure the HTTP proxy servlet with the details of the integration node environment to which the HTTP proxy servlet connects. The HTTP proxy servlet must be configured before you deploy the HTTP proxy servlet to a servlet container.

Before you begin

In order that the HTTP proxy servlet can access the SOAPInput and SOAPReply nodes, you must enable the integration node listener for each integration server where message flows with SOAP nodes are deployed.
For more information, see HTTP listeners and Switching from embedded listeners to an integration node listener.

If you use an integration node listener, you must specify a default queue manager for the integration node. For more information, see Interaction between IBM App Connect Enterprise and IBM MQ.

About this task

The HTTP proxy servlet proxyservlet.war file is part of the runtime environment, and can be found in the following directory:


where install_dir specifies the name of your runtime installation directory.

Complete the following steps to configure the web deployment descriptor (web.xml) for the HTTP proxy servlet by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.


  1. To import and configure a .war file, you must have the Eclipse Java™ EE developer Tools feature installed in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. This feature is not included in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit by default but can be installed by completing the following instructions:
    1. From the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit menu, click Help > Install New Software.
    2. Enter the following URL in the "Work with" field:

    3. Click Add and enter a name for the site.
      For example, Eclipse Juno downloads.
    4. Click OK and wait until the available features are listed.
    5. Expand the Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development category, select the Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools feature and click Next.
      The Install Details dialog is displayed.
    6. Click Next, accept the license, and then click Finish.
      The feature is installed.
    7. Click Yes when you are prompted to restart the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.
    The Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools feature is now available in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.
  2. From the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit menu, switch to the Java EE perspective by clicking Window > Open Perspective > Other and clicking Java EE.
  3. Click File > Import, expand the Web section, select WAR file in the list, and click Next.
  4. Click Browse to find the proxyservlet.war file in install_dir\server\tools, where install_dir specifies the name of your IBM App Connect Enterprise installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\13.0.n.0\server\tools\proxyservlet.war), and click Open.
  5. Set the name of the Web project to proxyservlet and click Finish.
    The HTTP proxy servlet is now ready for configuring by using the Java EE perspective.
  6. In the Project Explorer view, expand proxyservlet and double-click Deployment Descriptor to view the web deployment descriptor.
  7. Find the Servlets and JSPs section in the Web Deployment Descriptor, and click the servlet link called WBIMBServlet to display the servlet web address mappings and initialization parameters.
    The same parameters in the web.xml file can be configured through JNDI in WebSphere® Application Server. This alternative method means that you set up at the application server side only once for any future deployment of the proxy servlet. This operation is possible because the JNDI configuration parameters take precedence over the initialization parameters in the web.xml file. For more information about setting up the JNDI interface for the proxy servlet, see Setting up the JNDI interface for the proxy servlet.
  8. Click the Source tab, which is found at the bottom of the Deployment Descriptor view.
    The source of the web deployment descriptor (web.xml) displays the HTTP proxy servlet parameters.
  9. Edit the HTTP proxy servlet parameters as required; see HTTP proxy servlet configuration parameters.
  10. When the configuration is complete, save the changes to the web.xml file by pressing Ctrl+S.
  11. Export the configured HTTP proxy servlet ready for deployment to a servlet container by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the Deployment Descriptor for the proxyservlet Web project, and click Export > WAR file.
      The WAR Export dialog window is displayed.
    2. Click Browse and specify a location and a name for the configured WAR file.
      For example, myproxyserlet.war.
    3. Click Save and then click Finish.


You have now configured the HTTP proxy servlet with the initialization parameters.

What to do next

Deploy and configure the HTTP proxy servlet on the web application server that will host the JavaScript application, see Deploying the HTTP proxy servlet on a servlet container.