Implementing an integration service error handler subflow

Implement the error handlers that are defined in your service interface.

About this task

You edit a service interface by using the Interface tab of the service editor.

In the Interface tab:
  • You can define further operations.
  • You can specify names to existing operations.
  • You can add inputs, outputs, and faults to an operation.
  • You can implement an operation.
For more information, see Integration service editor.

An integration service might encounter errors such as message failure or timeout.

IBM® App Connect Enterprise provides the following error handlers to handle any errors that occur within your integration service:
  • Catch error handler.
  • Failure error handler.
  • Timeout error handler.
You implement these error handlers as subflows:
  • You implement the Catch error handler by developing the InputCatchHandler.subflow.
  • You implement the Failure error handler by developing the InputFailureHandler.subflow.
  • You implement the Timeout error handler by developing the InputHTTPTimeoutHandler.subflow.


Complete the following tasks to implement an error handler subflow:

  1. Open the integration service in the service editor by double-clicking the Service Description in the Application Development view.
    The service overview opens in the service editor.
  2. Error handlers that are available to implement are displayed below the operations that are defined in your interface. Click on an error handler to open the embedded subflow editor and implement the error handler as a subflow.
  3. Use the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the editor to return to the service overview.

What to do next

Generate a new integration service binding. For more information, see Generating an integration service SOAP/HTTP binding.