MRM TDS format: Delimited separation types

For delimited separation types, a delimiter is used to separate data fields, but there are no tags present. The data fields must be given in the correct order in the bit stream and elements cannot be omitted from the middle of the bit stream.

The All Elements Delimited separation type means that data fields are delimited by a pre-specified character or string. In this example, four data fields are separated by an asterisk (*) delimiter:
Delimited separation types are restrictive in the ordering and presence of elements:
  • The elements must be given in the order specified.
  • No element can be omitted in the middle of a group or complex type, because the parser cannot determine this from the resulting bit stream.
  • Elements can sometimes be absent from the end of a complex type or group.
After considering Delimiter suppression and truncation rules, this topic describes the following delimited separation types:

Delimiter suppression and truncation rules

  • Elements cannot be omitted from the middle of a group or complex type. An absent element results in the inclusion of a zero-length string.
    For example, with all elements present, the string might be:
    where Delimiter is *
    If data2 is missing, the string would read:
  • It is possible to suppress the delimiters at the end of a string for absent elements. The Suppress Absent Element Delimiter property determines whether this is done. If this property is set to End of Type, this can be done (with one exception, shown later in this section).
    In this case, for the example with data3 and data4 missing, the string would read:
    That is, the delimiters have been suppressed from the end of this group or complex type.
  • If the Suppress Absent Element Delimiter property is set to Never, delimiter suppression never takes place. The string would read:
    That is, the delimiters must be present to indicate absent (zero-length) elements.

    An exception to the above rule occurs in the case where the same delimiters are used at multiple levels in the model.

    For example, you have a complex type or group with delimiter * and this contains an element of another complex type (indicated by the element3 prefix on data fields in the following example), which also has delimiter *. If both types use a delimited separation type, with all elements present, you might have:

    If element3Data2 and element3Data3 are missing, and the delimiters are suppressed, it is not possible for the parser to determine which elements are missing.

    Therefore, in this case, you must override the Suppress Absent Element Delimiter property, and write out all the delimiters to clearly define the message to the parser. Therefore, the string must be:

    This restriction also applies where Group Indicators and Group Terminators use the same character strings as delimiters; otherwise, the bit stream is not clear to the parser.

All Elements Delimited

In an All Elements Delimited separation type, all elements are separated by a delimiter; for example:
where Delimiter is *.

An All Elements Delimited separation type does not use tags or their associated parameters.

For textual elements, the length is determined by the delimiter, and the Length property is ignored unless the Observe Element Length property is set.

For non-textual elements, the length is determined by the Physical Type of the element. See MRM TDS format: Determining the length of simple data values.

Applicable properties for All Elements Delimited

These properties are used:
  • Group Indicator indicates the start of a group or complex type.
  • Group Terminator indicates the end of a group or complex type.
  • Delimiter indicates the separator between the data elements within a group or complex type.
  • Suppress Absent Element Delimiters indicates whether delimiter suppression is permitted.
For example:
  • Group Indicator is {
  • Group Terminator is }
  • Delimiter is *

Repeating element rules for All Elements Delimited

If an element must be repeated when the separation type is All Elements Delimited, the Repeating Element Delimiter (RED), is used to separate the repeated elements.

For example if data2 repeats five times:
  • Delimiter is *
  • Repeating Element Delimiter is:
If the Suppress Absent Element Delimiters property is set to End of Type, you can use delimiter suppression. Therefore, if only the first data2 element was present in the previous example, the bit stream reads:
However, if the Suppress Absent Element Delimiters property is set to Never, the bit stream reads:
If Delimiter and RED match, two delimiters are output to indicate that the repeat is ending. Therefore, if the delimiter and RED are *, the bit stream reads:

Variable Length Elements Delimited

In a complex type with Variable Length Elements Delimited separation, some elements are determined by their length, and other elements are delimited. This combination of a delimited and a fixed-length format follows rules that are associated with both formats. Lengths can be given and used, but they are not mandatory.
  • If a length is present for a textual element, it is used, and a delimiter is not needed to terminate that element. The element must be padded to the correct length, and cannot exceed that length.
  • If no length is given for a textual element, the delimiter is required.
  • For non-textual elements, the length is determined by the Physical Type of the element. See MRM TDS format: Determining the length of simple data values.

A complex type with Variable Length Elements Delimited separation that contains only variable length elements resembles a complex type with All Elements Delimited separation. If it contains only fixed-length elements, it resembles a Fixed Length type.

For example:
  • Delimiter is *
  • data4 has a length of 8

Applicable properties for Variable Length Elements Delimited

The following properties are used:
  • Group Indicator indicates the start of a group or complex type.
  • Group Terminator indicates the end of a group or complex type.
  • Delimiter indicates the separator between the data elements within a group or complex type.
  • Suppress Absent Element Delimiters indicates whether delimiter suppression is permitted.
  • (Optionally) Length or Length Reference indicates the length of a textual element. If a textual element has a length, this length is used. Because the length of this element is known, it is not necessary to output a delimiter after it. If the length is not known, a delimiter is required. A delimiter is never required for a non-textual element.
In this example, the fourth field (containing data4) is of fixed length 8 and its padding character is 0:
  • Group Indicator is {
  • Group Terminator is }
  • Delimiter is *

Repeating element rules for Variable Length Elements Delimited

The action of a repeating element in a Variable Length Elements Delimited environment is dependent on the minimum and maximum number of repeats and whether the element has a length.

Delimited Element Repeating

If a delimited element (that is, an element with no length) is repeated, a Repeating Element Delimiter (RED) is required and the rules for All Elements Delimited are followed. A delimiter is therefore required after the last repeat. Delimiter suppression of this repeat can also occur.

For example, if data2 is repeating:
  • Delimiter is *
  • Repeating Element Delimiter is :
  • data4 has a fixed length of 8

If the Suppress Absent Element Delimiters field is set to End of Type, you can use delimiter suppression.

If in the above example only the first data2 is present:
However, if Suppress Absent Element Delimiters is set to Never, the bit stream reads:
If the delimiter and RED match, two delimiters are output to indicate that the repeat is ending. So if the delimiter and RED are both *, the bit stream reads:

This also applies for a non-fixed length complex type or group inside a Variable Length Elements Delimited environment.

Fixed Length Element Repeating

If an element with a defined length (a fixed-length element) is repeating and the minimum occurrences is not the same as maximum occurrences, an RED is not required, but a delimiter is required after the last repeat. Delimiter suppression of this repeat can occur.

For example, if data4 (with a fixed length of 8) is repeating, and its minimum occurrences is 2, maximum occurrences is 4:
where Delimiter is *
Or, if there are only two occurrences of data4:

If an element with a defined length (a fixed-length element) is repeated, and the minimum occurrences is the same as maximum occurrences, an RED is not required. A delimiter is also not required after the last repeat. Truncation of this repeat cannot occur and all elements need to be present.

For example, if data4 (with a fixed length of 8) repeats four times:
where Delimiter is *
Or, if there are only two occurrences of data4:

This also applies for a non-fixed length complex type or group inside a Variable Length Elements Delimited environment.

If a complex type has Variable Length Elements Delimited separation, a delimiter is always output between an included ('child') complex element and the next element even if the separation of the 'child' complex element is Fixed Length. On input, the parser accepts the bit stream with or without such a delimiter.