Managing a deployed REST API

After you deploy a REST API, you can manage it from the command line or the web user interface.

Before you begin

You must create a REST API in the IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, see Creating a REST API and Packaging and deploying a REST API.

You can view the REST API after it is deployed by using the web user interface, see IBM App Connect Enterprise web user interface.

About this task

After you deploy the REST API, you can manage it from the command line or the web user interface. When you are using the command line to manage a deployed REST API and the command you are using requires the name of an application, you must specify the name of the REST API. For example:
mqsilist integrationNodeName -e integrationServerName -k restApiName -d2

You can view the REST API after it is deployed by using the web user interface, see IBM App Connect Enterprise web user interface.


To view information about the deployed REST API in the web user interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the web user interface in a web browser. Locate the deployed REST API in the navigator.
    The REST API is listed under the integration server, in the REST APIs category.
  2. Expand the navigation of the deployed REST API.
    The currently deployed message flow, subflows, and any other deployed resources are displayed.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow for the deployed REST API.
    A list of actions that you can perform on a deployed REST API displayed. Depending on your access rights, you can start, stop, or delete the REST API, or start or stop statistics for the REST API.
  4. Click the deployed REST API.
    The Overview tab for the deployed REST API is displayed.

    In the Quick View section of the Overview tab, the base URL for REST API invocations is displayed. The REST API base URL value contains the scheme (http:// or https://), hostname, port number, and base path of the REST API that is running. By using an HTTP client, you can use this URL, along with other details of the operation that is being called, to call an operation in the deployed REST API.

    In the Quick View section of the Overview tab, the URL for the REST API definitions is displayed. You can use the REST API definitions URL to access the Swagger document or the OpenAPI 3.0 document for the deployed REST API. You can use this URL with Swagger tools, such as Swagger UI or Swagger Codegen or OpenAPI 3.0 tools. The Swagger document or OpenAPI 3.0 document available at this URL is automatically updated to contain the correct scheme (http:// or https://), hostname , port number, and base path of the REST API that is running. Therefore, you can use the Swagger document or OpenAPI 3.0 document without modification.

  5. Click the API tab.
    The details of resources and operations within the deployed REST API are displayed. Operations are displayed with their HTTP method, name, description, and information about whether that operation is implemented as a subflow.
  6. Click an operation.
    The parameters for that operation are displayed, along with their name, type, description, and whether a parameter is required.


The information about a deployed REST API is displayed.