Deleting deployed resources
Use the IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit or the web user interface to remove deployed integration solution resources such as applications and libraries from an integration server.
About this task
In IBM App Connect Enterprise 12, you can delete deployed applications, shared libraries, and policy projects. To enable compatibility with earlier versions of IBM App Connect Enterprise, you can delete individual resources but only from the default application, and only by using the mqsideploy command or the IBM Integration API.
You cannot delete shared libraries if they are being referenced by any of the other resources that are deployed on the integration server.
You cannot delete policy projects that contain nondynamic policies. The changing or deletion of policies within a policy project is only supported for certain types of policy. To delete a policy project, which contains nondynamic policies, it is necessary to delete all deployed resources from the integration server and then redeploy all resources. For more information about policy properties, see Policy properties.
Deleting a deployed resource by using the web user interface
- Start the IBM App Connect Enterprise web
user interface, as described in Accessing the web user interface.
Your servers (integration servers), message flows, and other resources are displayed.
- Select the resource that you want to delete and click
You cannot delete a message flow from a deployed application or library by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise web user interface. You must delete the flow from the toolkit application project or library and then redeploy the application or library. For more information, see Deleting a message flow or subflow.
A message is sent to the integration server to delete the selected resource.
Removing a deployed object by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit
About this task
To remove an object from an integration server by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, complete the following steps.
- In the Integration Explorer view, right-click the object that you want to remove.
- Click Delete, then OK to
confirm. You cannot delete a message flow from a deployed application or library by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. You must delete the flow from the toolkit application project or library and then redeploy the application or library. For more information, see Deleting a message flow or subflow.
The request is sent to the integration server, and a synchronous response is sent back.
Removing a deployed object by using the mqsideploy command
About this task
To remove an object from an integration server by using the mqsideploy command, complete the following steps.
The command reports when responses are received from the integration node. If the command completes successfully, a zero return code (0) is displayed.
Removing a deployed object by using the IBM Integration API
About this task
object, then run the
deleteDeployedObjectsByName method. Use the following code as an
public class DeleteDeployedObjects {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BrokerConnectionParameters bcp =
new IntegrationNodeConnectionParameters
("localhost", 4414);
try {
BrokerProxy b =
ExecutionGroupProxy e =
new String[] { "file1.msgflow",
"file4.msgflow" }, 0);
catch (ConfigManagerProxyException e) {
What to do next
If you remove one or more message flows, you can now remove the resource files that are associated with those message flows; for example, JAR files.