Working with patterns in the Application Development view

Using the Application Development view to create patterns.

Before you begin

Before completing this task, read the following overview topics about patterns:

About this task

Pattern instances are shown under the Pattern Instances folder in the Application Development view. If you have not created any pattern instances yet, the folder is not visible. Similarly, pattern authoring projects are shown under the Pattern Authoring folder.

The Patterns Explorer is a separate tab. When you select a pattern from the Patterns Explorer, the specification for that pattern is shown in the editor view. When you click Create New Instance, a pattern configuration opens in the editor. You configure your parameters for the pattern, then click Generate. A pattern instance is created, and is shown under the Pattern Instances folder in the Application Development view. A working set is also created for the pattern and is immediately active, so that you can see only the resources that are associated with your pattern. To see all resources in your workspace, click the Remove all filters icon Icon for Remove all filters on the toolbar of the Application Development view.

What to do next

Now complete the following task: