Glossary of terms and abbreviations
This glossary defines IBM® App Connect Enterprise terms and abbreviations that are used in this online product documentation.
- adapter
- An intermediary software component that allows two other software components to communicate with one another.
- aggregation
- See message element aggregation.
- application
- An object that functions as a virtual folder to organize shortcuts to other objects, external files, and URLs in a logical, job-specific, or project grouping. Integration services and REST APIs are examples of specialized applications.
- attribute
- A characteristic or trait of an entity that describes the entity; for example, the telephone
number of an employee is one of the employee attributes.
An attribute may have a type, which indicates the range of information given by the attribute, and a value, which is within that range. In XML, for example, an attribute consists of a name-value pair within a tagged element, that modifies features of the element.
- attribute group
- A set of attributes that can appear in a complex type.
- BAR file
- See broker archive file.
- binary large object (BLOB)
- A block of bytes of data (for example, the body of a message) that has no discernible meaning, but is treated as one entity that cannot be interpreted.
- See binary large object.
- BLOB domain
- The message domain that includes all messages with content that cannot be interpreted or subdivided into smaller sections of information. Messages in this domain are processed by the BLOB parser. See also DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- BLOB parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the BLOB domain, and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output.
- broker
- See integration node.
- broker archive file
- The unit of deployment to the integration node. Also known as a BAR file. The BAR file contains a number of different files, including compiled message flows (.cmf) and message sets (.dictionary and .xsdzip files), that are used by the integration server at run time. It can also contain additional user-provided files that your message flows might need at run time, if the file extension does not overlap with extensions that are used by the integration server.
- broker schema
- A symbol space that defines the scope of uniqueness of the names of resources that are defined within it. The resources include message flows, ESQL files, and mapping files.
- built-in node
- A message flow node that is supplied by the product. Some of the supplied nodes provide basic processing such as input and output.
- built-in pattern
- A pattern that covers a set of commonly encountered message flow scenarios and that is packaged and released with IBM App Connect Enterprise.
- business component
- This term is specific to the WebSphere® Adapters. A component that defines the structure, behavior, and information that is displayed by a particular subject, such as a product, contact, or account, in Siebel Business Applications.
- business object
- A software entity that represents a business entity, such as an invoice. A business object includes persistent and nonpersistent attributes, actions that can be performed on the business object, and rules by which the business object is governed.
- business rule
- A constraint or required operation that applies to a specific set of business conditions or dependencies. An example of a business rule for a bank is that a credit check is not required when opening an account for an existing customer.
- cardinality
- See mapping cardinality.
- certificate authority
- A trusted third-party organization or company that issues the digital certificates. The certificate authority typically verifies the identity of the individuals who are granted the unique certificate.
- cmf
- See compiled message flow.
- compiled message flow (cmf)
- A message flow that has been compiled to prepare it for deployment to the integration node. A cmf file is sent to the integration node within a BAR file.
- complex element
- A named structure that contains simple elements within the message. Complex elements can contain other complex elements, and can also contain groups. The content of a complex element is defined by a complex type. See also simple element.
- complex type
- A type that can contain elements, attributes, and groups organized into a hierarchy.
A complex type structure within a message contains elements, attributes, and groups organized into a hierarchy. See also simple type.
- component directory
- In z/OS®, the root directory of the component's runtime environment.
- component PDSE
- In a z/OS environment, a PDSE that contains jobs to define resources to IBM MQ, DB2®, and the integration node started task. See partitioned data set.
- connection
- See message flow node connection. For integration node-to-integration node connections, see publish/subscribe topology.
- content-based filter
- In publish/subscribe, an expression that is included as part of a subscription to determine whether a publication message is received based on its content. The expression can include wildcards.
- custom integration application
- An application that uses the IBM Integration API.
- Custom Wire Format (CWF)
- The physical representation of a message in the MRM domain that is composed of a number of fixed-format data structures or elements. In CWF, these structures are not separated by delimiter characters.
- See Custom Wire Format.
- data element separation
- For a complex type, defines to the MRM parser TDS physical format which method of identifying data elements is to be used, and how the data elements are constructed. The following separation types are supported: data pattern separation, delimited separation, fixed-length separation, and tagged separation
- Data Format Description Language
- See DFDL schema.
- DataFlowEngine (DFE)
- See integration server.
- DataObject domain
- The message domain that includes all messages that are exchanged between the integration node and enterprise information system applications such as SAP, PeopleSoft, and Siebel. Messages in this domain are processed by the DataObject parser. You must create a message model for messages that you process in this domain. See also BLOB domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- DataObject parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the DataObject domain, and generates the corresponding tree from the business object on input, or the business object from the tree on output.
- debugger
- See flow debugger.
- decision service
- A collection of business rules that take one or more input and output parameters. See also: business rule.
- destination list
- See local environment.
- DFDL domain
A domain that provides high-performance parsing of a wide variety of general text and binary messages formats. This domain is for non-XML and non-JSON message formats and should be used in preference to the MRM domain. Messages in this domain are processed by the DFDL parser. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, JMS domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- DFDL parser
A program that interprets a message that belongs to the DFDL domain and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output. The bit stream is a representation of a text or binary message.
- DFDL schema
- DFDL is a language for describing text and binary data formats. A DFDL description allows data
to be read from its native format and to be presented as an instance of an information set. DFDL
also allows data to be taken from an instance of an information set and written out to its native
format. DFDL achieves this by using XML Schema. An XML schema is created to describe the logical
model of the data, then the schema is augmented with DFDL annotations to describe the native
representation of the data. The result is a DFDL schema. A DFDL schema is a structured collection of
elements, types, and groups.
The DFDL specification is available at Data Format Description Language (DFDL) v1.0 Specification.
- DFDL schema file
- A file that contains DFDL schema.
- digital certificate
- An electronic document used to identify an individual, a system, a server, a company, or some other entity, and to associate a public key with the entity. A digital certificate is issued by a certificate authority and is digitally signed by that authority.
- digital signature
- Information that is encrypted with a private key and is appended to a message or object to assure the recipient of the authenticity and integrity of the message or object. The digital signature proves that the message or object was signed by the entity that owns, or has access to, the private key or shared-secret symmetric key.
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- A system in which a structured document, for example an XML file, is viewed as a tree of objects that can be programmatically accessed and updated.
- document type definition (DTD)
- The rules that specify the structure for a particular class of SGML or XML documents. The DTD defines the structure with elements, attributes, and notations, and it establishes constraints for how each item can be used within the particular class of documents. A DTD is analogous to a database schema in that the DTD completely describes the structure for a particular markup language.
- See Document Object Model.
- See document type definition.
- See Enterprise Information System.
- element
- A named piece of information, or a field, within a message, with a business meaning agreed by the applications that create and process the message. See also simple element and complex element.
- embedded message
- See multipart message.
- See Enterprise Metadata Discovery.
- endpoint
- A JCA application or other client consumer of an event from the enterprise information system.
- Enterprise Information System (EIS)
- The applications that comprise an existing enterprise system for handling company-wide information. An enterprise information system offers a well-defined set of services that are exposed as local or remote interfaces or both. (Sun)
- Enterprise Metadata Discovery (EMD)
- A specification that defines how you can examine an Enterprise Information System (EIS) and get details of business object data structures and APIs. An EMD stores the definitions as XML schemas by default, and builds components that can access the EIS.
- environment
- A structure within the message tree that is user-defined and can contain variable information that is associated with a message while it is being processed by a message flow.
- See external security manager.
- See Extended SQL.
- ESQL data type
- A characteristic of an item of data that determines how that data is processed. ESQL supports six data types (Boolean, datetime, null, numeric, reference, and string). Data that is retrieved from a database or is defined in a message model is mapped to one of these basic ESQL types when it is processed in ESQL expressions.
- ESQL field reference
- A sequence of values, separated by periods, that identify a specific field (which might be a
structure) within a message tree or a database table. An
example of a field reference is
. - ESQL function
- A single ESQL expression that calculates a resultant value from a number of specified input values. The function can take input parameters but has no output parameters; it returns to the caller the value that results from the implementation of the expression. The ESQL expression can be a compound expression such as BEGIN END.
- ESQL module
- A sequence of declarations that define MODULE-scope variables and their initialization, and a
sequence of subroutine (function and procedure) declarations that define a specific behavior for a
message flow node. A module must begin with the
statement and end with anEND MODULE
statement. Thenode_type
must be one of Compute, Database, or Filter. The entry point of the ESQL code is the module scope procedure named MAIN. - ESQL procedure
- A subroutine that has no return value. It can accept input parameters from and return output parameters to the caller.
- ESQL variable
- A local temporary field that is used to assist in the processing of a message.
- event
- A change to a state, such as the completion or failure of an operation, business process, or human task, that can trigger a subsequent action, such as persisting the event data to a data repository or invoking another business process.
- exception list
- A list of exceptions, with supporting information, that has been generated during the processing of a message.
- exemplar
- A project that contributes most of its content to a pattern. An exemplar contains message flows and other resources, such as source code.
- Extended SQL (ESQL)
- A specialized set of SQL functions and statements that are based on regular SQL, and extended with functions and statements that are unique to IBM App Connect Enterprise.
- Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- A standard metalanguage for defining markup languages that is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
- A language for specifying style sheets for XML documents. Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) is used with XSL to describe how an XML document is transformed into another document.
- External Security Manager (ESM)
- In a z/OS environment, a security product that performs security checking on users and resources. RACF® is an example of an ESM.
- field reference
- See ESQL field reference.
- filter
- An ESQL expression that is applied to the content of
a message to determine whether the message matches certain criteria.
For example, a Filter node uses a filter to determine how a message is to be processed. Alternatively, a filter is applied to the content of a publication message to determine whether it is to be passed to a subscriber.
- flow debugger
- A facility to debug message flows that is provided in the Debug perspective in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.
- group
- The content model of a complex type. The content can be sequence, all (unordered) or choice.
- IBM Integration API
- An application programming interface that your applications can use to control integration nodes through a remote interface, or to manipulate message flows. Previously known as the CMP API.
- IDOC domain
- The message domain that includes all messages that
are exchanged between the integration node and SAP R3 clients by the MQSeries® link for R/3. Messages in this domain are processed by the IDOC parser. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS
domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, MRM
domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
The IDOC domain is deprecated; use the MRM domain or DFDL domain for new messages.
- IDOC parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the IDOC domain, and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output.
- implementation function
- A function written for a user-defined node or message parser; also known as a callback function.
- inbound processing
- The process by which changes to business information in an enterprise information system (EIS) are detected, processed, and delivered to a runtime environment by a JCA Adapter. An adapter can detect EIS changes by polling an event table or by using an event listener.
- input node
- A message flow node that represents a source of messages for a message flow or subflow. See also output node.
- integration node
- In IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0, and earlier versions, an integration node component is provided as the single point of administrative control over a set of owned integration servers. At these versions, the integration node is also known as a broker and a message broker.
- integration server
- A named grouping of message flows and resources, typically in an application. The
integration server is the single point of administrative control. Each integration server runs as a
unique process in a separate address space.
An integration server process is also known as a DataFlowEngine (DFE). This term is typically used in problem determination scenarios; for example, trace contents or diagnostic messages). A DFE is created as an operating system process, and has a one-to-one relationship with the named integration server. If more than one message flow runs within an integration server, multiple threads are created within the DFE process.
In WebSphere Message Broker Version 8.0 and earlier versions, an integration server was known as an execution group.
- integration service
An application with a well-defined interface that is described by WSDL.
- Java™ Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
- A Java binding technology that supports transformation between schema and Java objects, as well as between XML instance documents and Java object instances.
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- An industry standard for database-independent connectivity between the Java platform and a wide range of databases. The JDBC interface provides a call-level API for SQL-based and XQuery-based database access. See also Open Database Connectivity.
- Java EE
- See Java Platform, Enterprise Edition.
- Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
- A standard architecture for connecting the J2EE platform to heterogeneous enterprise information systems (EIS).
- Java Message Service (JMS)
- An application programming interface that provides Java language functions for handling messages. See also Application Messaging Interface (AMI) and Message Queue Interface (MQI).
- Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
- An environment for developing and deploying enterprise applications, defined by Sun Microsystems Inc. The Java EE platform consists of a set of services, application programming interfaces (APIs), and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multi-tiered, Web-based applications. (Sun)
- Java virtual machine (JVM)
- A software implementation of a processor that runs compiled Java code (applets and applications).
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
A lightweight data-interchange format that is easy to read and write. Machines can easily parse and generate JSON. JSON is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format that is language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of languages in the C family of programming languages. JSON can be described by a JSON schema.
- See Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB).
- See Java EE Connector Architecture.
- See Job Control Language
- See Java Database Connectivity.
- See Java Message Service.
- JMS domain
- The message domain that includes all messages that are produced by the IBM MQ implementation of the Java Message Service standard. These messages, which have a message type of either JMSMap or JMSStream, are supported in the same way as messages in the XML domain, and are parsed by the XML parser. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- Job Control Language (JCL)
- Job Control Language (JCL) comprises a set of Job Control Statements that are used to define work requests called jobs. JCL tells the operating system what program to run, and defines its inputs and outputs.
- See See JavaScript Object Notation.
- JSON domain
- A domain that provides high-performance JSON parsing. Messages in this domain are processed by the JSON parser. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- JSON parser
A program that interprets a message that belongs to the JSON domain and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output. The bit stream is a representation of a JSON document.
- keystore
- In security, a storage object, either a file or a hardware cryptographic card, where identities and private keys are stored, for authentication and encryption purposes. Some keystores also contain trusted, or public, keys.
- library
- In IBM App Connect Enterprise, a project that is used for the development, version management, and organization of shared resources. A subset of the artifact types can be created and stored in a library, such as subflows, ESQL modules, message definitions, and Java utilities.
- See loadable implementation library.
- loadable implementation library (LIL)
- The implementation module for a node or parser written in C. This library file is implemented in the same way as a dynamic link library, but has a file extension of .lil not .dll.
- local environment
- A structure within the message tree that contains
integration node and, optionally, user information associated with a message while it is being
processed by a message flow.
In previous releases, the local environment structure was known as the Destination list; the latter term is retained for compatibility.
- local error log
- A generic term that refers to the logs to which IBM App Connect Enterprise writes records on the local system. Also known as the system log.
- map
- (1) A complete transformation that has source objects that define the structure of the inputs
and target objects that define the structure of the outputs. A map is represented as a
file. - mapping
- A target value expression.
- mapping cardinality
- The granularity of the way in which message elements
are mapped from message source to message target. For example:
- One-to-one: associates a single source with a single target
- One-sided: associates a value with a target
- Many-to-one: associates multiple sources with a single target
- message
- Data that is passed from one application to another. Each message must have a structure and format that is compatible with both the sending and receiving applications.
- message broker
- See integration node.
- message definition
- An annotated XML Schema model of a message format. A message definition is a structured collection of elements, types, and groups.
- message definition file
- A file in a message set that contains one or more message definitions.
- message dictionary
- A data structure that describes all the messages in a message set in a form suitable for use by the MRM parser.
- message domain
- A grouping of messages that share certain characteristics. A message domain has an associated parser that interprets messages that are received and generated by an integration node. IBM App Connect Enterprise supports messages in the BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON domain MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain. You can create additional parsers known as user-defined parsers to support messages that do not conform to the supported domains.
- message flow
- A sequence of processing steps that run in the integration node when an input message is received. A message flow is created in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit by including a number of message flow nodes that each represents a set of actions that define a processing step. The connections in the flow determine which processing steps are carried out, in which order, and under which conditions. A message flow must include an input node that provides the source of the messages that are processed. Message flows are then ready to deploy to an integration node for execution. See also subflow.
- message flow node
- A processing step in a message flow, also called a message processing node. A message flow node can be a built-in node, a user-defined node, or a subflow node.
- message flow node connection
- An entity that connects an output terminal of one message flow node to an input terminal of another. A message flow node connection represents the flow of control and data between two message flow nodes.
- message format
- The definition of the internal structure of a message, in terms of the fields and the order of those fields. When a message format is self-defining, the message is interpreted dynamically when it is read.
- message group
- A list of elements with information about how those elements can appear in a message. Message groups can be ordered, unordered, or selective.
- message model
- See message definition.
- message parser
- A program that interprets an incoming message and creates an internal representation of the message in a tree structure, and that regenerates a bit stream for an outgoing message from the internal representation.
- message processing node
- See message flow node.
- message set
- A folder in a message set project that contains one or more message definition files. It can be deployed to a broker in a BAR file.
- message set project
- The eclipse container for a message set.
- message tree
- The logical tree structure that represents the content and structure of a message in the integration node. The message tree is created by a message parser from the input message received by a message flow, according to a message template.
- message type
- The name given to a message definition in a message definition file.
- metadata
- The data that describes the characteristic of stored data.
- See Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
- MIME domain
- The message domain that includes all messages that conform to the MIME standard. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- MIME parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the MIME domain, and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output.
- An architected message header that is used to provide metadata for the processing of a message. This header is supported by the IBM MQ (MQSeries) Publish/Subscribe SupportPac.
- An extended version of MQRFH, providing enhanced function in message processing.
- MRM domain
- A message domain that can parse, and write, a wide variety of message formats. This domain is primarily intended for non-XML message formats, but it can also parse and write XML messages. Message models are created in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, with one or more physical formats. Messages in the MRM domain are processed by the MRM parser. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, SOAP domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- MRM parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the MRM domain, and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output. Its interpretation depends on the physical format that you have associated with the input or output message.
- multipart message
- A message that contains one or more other messages within its structure. The contained message is sometimes referred to as an embedded message.
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- An Internet standard that defines different forms of data, including video, audio, or binary data, that can be attached to email without requiring translation into ASCII text.
- namespace
- In XML and XQuery, a uniform resource identifier (URI)
that provides a unique name to associate with the element, attribute, and type definitions in an XML schema, or with the names of
elements, attributes, types, functions, and errors in XQuery expressions.
XML instance documents, XML Schemas, and message definitions can use namespaces.
- node
- (1) An endpoint or junction used in a message flow. See message flow node.
- See Open Database Connectivity.
- Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
- A standard application programming interface (API) for accessing data in both relational and non-relational database management systems. By using this API, database applications can access data stored in database management systems on various computers, even if each database management system uses a different data storage format and programming interface.
- operation mode
- A property of an integration node that determines what operations it can perform.
- outbound processing
- The process by which a calling client application uses the adapter to update or retrieve data in an enterprise information system (EIS). The adapter uses operations such as create, update, delete, and retrieve to process the request.
- output node
- A message flow node that represents a point at which messages leave the message flow or subflow. See also input node.
- package group
- A group of one or more packages that are designed to work together and can be installed to one directory. In IBM App Connect Enterprise, this term refers to the group of products that are installed and maintained by Installation Manager, which includes the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. Products that are installed into a package group share common files and resources. You can create multiple package groups on a single computer.
- parser
- See message parser.
- partitioned data set (PDS, PDSE)
- In a z/OS environment, a data set in direct-access storage that is divided into partitions, which are called members. A partitioned data set (extended) (PDSE) is an extension to a PDS that contains an indexed directory in addition to the members.
- pattern
- A reusable solution that encapsulates a tested approach to solving a common architecture, design, or deployment task in a particular context.
- pattern archive
- An archive file that contains all the installable pattern resources. The pattern archive can be distributed by using a pattern community site.
- pattern author
- The developer that creates a pattern to meet a business or technical requirement.
- pattern authoring
- The process of configuring one or more regular projects to turn them into a pattern.
- pattern authoring project
- A project that contains the information used to create a pattern.
- pattern categories
- Categories that are based on pattern classification and that structure the display in the Patterns Explorer view.
- pattern community site
- An application that supports uploading, browsing, searching, and downloading pattern archives. The application can be either a website or a shared file system directory.
- pattern instance
- The implementation of a pattern, consisting of a pattern instance project and one or more regular IBM App Connect Enterprise projects that implement the pattern. A pattern instance is generated by providing appropriate customization values to the parameters available in the pattern.
- pattern instance project
- A project that contains project references to all other projects in the workspace, relating to a specific pattern instance. A pattern instance project also contains a pattern instance configuration file that stores the pattern parameter values.
- pattern parameter
- A parameter that customizes and configures a pattern. For example, a queue name from which messages are read.
- pattern user
- A user who configures a pattern that the pattern author has created. The pattern is available to a pattern user in the Patterns Explorer view.
- See partitioned data set.
- perspective
- A group of views that show various aspects of the resources in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. See also view.
- physical format
- The physical representation of a message within the bit stream. The supported physical formats are Custom Wire Format, XML Wire Format, and Tagged/Delimited String Format. Physical format information is used only by the MRM parser and the IDOC parser.
- point-to-point
- A style of messaging application in which the sending application knows the destination of the message. Contrast with publish/subscribe.
- predefined element and message
- An element or message for which a matching definition exists in the message model. See also self-defining element and message.
- principal
- An individual user ID (for example, a login ID) or a group. A group can contain individual user IDs and other groups, to the level of nesting that is supported by the underlying facility.
- property
- A characteristic of an object that describes the object. A property can be changed or modified.
Properties can describe the name, type, value, or behavior of an object, and various other
Resources that are created and maintained in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit and components have properties; for example, message flow nodes, deployed message flows, and integration nodes.
- publication
- In publish/subscribe messaging, a piece of information about a specified topic that is available to a queue manager, for delivery to subscribed applications.
- publication node
- An end point of a specific path through a message flow to which a client application subscribes, identified to the client by its subscription point.
- publisher
- An application that makes information about a specified topic available to a broker in a publish/subscribe system.
- publish/subscribe
- A style of messaging application in which the providers of information (publishers) are de-coupled from the consumers of that information (subscribers) using a broker. See also topic. Contrast with point-to-point messaging.
- QName
- A name that conforms to the Namespaces in XML specification. A QName is a qualified name, which consists of an optional prefix, or its associated URI, and a local name.
- queue
- An IBM MQ object to which message queuing applications can put messages, and from which message queuing applications can get messages.
- queue manager
- A system program that provides queuing services to applications. A queue manager provides an application programming interface (the MQI) that enables programs to access messages on the queues that the queue manager owns.
- request/reply
- A type of messaging application in which a request message is used to request a reply from another application. Contrast with datagram.
- Resource Recovery Services (RRS)
- A z/OS facility that provides two-phase sync point support by participating resource managers.
- See Resource Recovery Services.
- See Service Component Architecture (SCA).
- schema
- See XML Schema.
- self-defining element and message
- An element or message for which no matching definition exists in a message model, but which can be parsed without reference to a model. For example, a message that is coded in XML can be self-defining. See also predefined element and message.
- send-and-forget
- See datagram.
- Service Component Architecture (SCA)
- An architecture in which all elements of a business transaction, such as access to web services, Enterprise Information System (EIS) service assets, business rules, workflows, databases, and so on, are represented in a service-oriented way.
- simple element
- A field in a message that is based on a simple type. A simple element can repeat, and it can define a default or a fixed value. See also complex element.
- simple type
- A characteristic of a simple element that defines the type of data within a message (for example, string, integer, or float). A simple type can have value constraints which place limits on the values of any simple elements based on that simple type. See also complex type.
- A lightweight, XML-based protocol for exchanging information in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP can be used to query and return information and invoke services across the Internet.
- SOAP domain
- The message domain that includes all messages that conform to the SOAP standard. You must create a message model for messages that you process in this domain. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- SOAP parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the SOAP domain, and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output. The bit stream is a representation of an XML file.
- See Structured Query Language.
- A Java extension that supports static Structured Query Language statements embedded within Java code.
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- A standardized programming language that is used to define and manipulate data in a relational database. ESQL, the language that is used by IBM App Connect Enterprise, is based on SQL, and has many similar constructs.
- style sheet
- A specification of formatting instructions that, when applied to structured information, provides a particular rendering of that information (for example, online or printed). Different style sheets can be applied to the same piece of structured information to produce different presentations of the information.
- subflow
- A sequence of processing steps, implemented by message flow nodes, that is designed to be embedded in a message flow or in another subflow. A subflow must include at least one Input or Output node. A subflow can be started by an integration node only as part of the message flow in which it is embedded, and therefore cannot be deployed.
- subflow node
- A message flow node that represents a subflow.
- subscriber
- A publish/subscribe application that requests information about a topic.
- substitution group
- An XML Schema feature that provides a means of substituting one element for another in an XML message. A substitution group contains a list of global elements that can appear in place of another global element, called the head element.
- system log
- See local error log.
- Tagged/Delimited String (TDS) Format
- The physical representation of a message in the MRM domain that has a number of data elements separated by tags and delimiters.
- target property
- A message flow property that is selected by the pattern author to be configured by the pattern.
- TDS Format
- See Tagged/Delimited String Format.
- terminal
- The point at which one node in a message flow is connected to another node. You can connect terminals to control the route that a message takes, dependent on the outcome of the operation that is performed on that message by the node.
- topic
- A character string that describes the nature of the data that is published in a publish/subscribe system.
- truststore
- In security, a storage object, either a file or a hardware cryptographic card, where public keys are stored in the form of trusted certificates, for authentication purposes in Web transactions. In some applications, these trusted certificates are moved into the application keystore to be stored with the private keys.
- type
- A characteristic of a message element that describes its data content. See also simple type and complex type.
- uniform resource identifier (URI)
- An encoded address that represents any resource, such as an HTML document, image, video clip, or program, on the Web; a URI is an abstract superclass compared with a Uniform resource locator or a Uniform resource name, which are concrete entities.
- uniform resource locator (URL)
- The unique address of an information resource that is accessible in a network such as the
Internet. The URL includes the abbreviated name of the protocol used to access the information
resource and the information used by the protocol to locate the information resource.
A Web server typically maps the request portion of the URL to a path and file name. Also known as universal resource locator.
- uniform resource name (URN)
- A name that uniquely identifies a web service to a client.
- See uniform resource identifier.
- See uniform resource locator.
- See uniform resource name.
- user-defined extension
- An optional component that is designed by the user to extend the functions of IBM App Connect Enterprise. A user-defined extension can be either a node or a message parser. See also user-defined node and user-defined parser.
- user-defined node
- An extension to the integration node that provides a new message flow node in addition to the nodes that are supplied with the product. See also implementation function and utility function.
- user-defined parser
- An extension to the integration node that provides a new message parser in addition to the parsers that are supplied with the product. See also implementation function and utility function.
- user-defined pattern
- A pattern that is created by a pattern author.
- utility function
- A function provided by the integration node that can be used by developers who write user-defined nodes or parsers.
- value constraint
- A limit that sets a restriction on the values that a simple type can represent.
- view
- In Eclipse-based user interfaces, a pane that is outside the editor area, which can be used to look at or work with the resources in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. For example, you can view and edit your project files in the Application Development view (previously called the Resource Navigator view). See also perspective.
- Web service
- A self-contained, self-describing modular application that can be published, discovered, and invoked over a network using standard network protocols. Typically, XML is used to tag the data, SOAP is used to transfer the data, WSDL is used for describing the services available, and UDDI is used for listing what services are available.
- Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
- An XML-based specification for describing networked services as a set of endpoints that operate on messages that contain either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. A WSDL document enables a web services client to invoke a Web service using the messages defined in a message definition.
- WebSphere Adapters
- WebSphere Adapters facilitate the exchange of business objects between Enterprise Information Systems (such as SAP Software, PeopleSoft Enterprise, and Siebel Business Application systems) and other applications.
- IBM App Connect Enterprise pattern
- A pattern in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit that exposes one or more pattern parameters for a pattern user to complete.
- IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit
- A graphical user interface built on Eclipse that is used to provide integration and connectivity solutions by developing resources associated with message flows.
- IBM MQ Enterprise Transport
- A transport protocol supported by IBM App Connect Enterprise that enables IBM MQ application clients to connect to integration nodes.
- WebSphere MQ Everyplace®
- A generally available IBM MQ product that provides proven IBM MQ reliability and security for mobile and wireless devices. WebSphere MQ Everyplace applications connect to the integration node using IBM MQ Mobile Transport.
- IBM MQ Web Services Transport
- A transport protocol supported by IBM App Connect Enterprise that enables HTTP-compliant application clients to connect to integration node.
- wildcard
- A character that can be specified in subscriptions to match a range of topics. See also multilevel wildcard and single-level wildcard.
- work_path
- The location in the local file system in which the component stores internal and working data.
- working set
- A logical collection of application projects, that you can use to limit the number of resources that are displayed in the Integration Development perspective. See also active working set.
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- An international industry consortium set up to develop common protocols to promote the evolution and interoperability of the World Wide Web.
- See Web Services Description Language.
- W3C
- See World Wide Web Consortium.
- See Extensible Markup Language.
- XML domain
- The message domain that includes all messages that conform to the W3C XML standard. Messages in
this domain are processed by the XML parser. See also
BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON
domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP
domain, XMLNS domain, and XMLNSC domain.
The XML domain is deprecated; use the XMLNSC domain for new messages.
- XML parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the XML domain and JMS domains, and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output. The bit stream is a representation of an XML file.
- XMLNS domain
- An extension of the XML domain that contains messages that conform to the W3C XML standard, and that can also use the namespaces specification. Messages in this domain are processed by the XMLNS parser. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, XML domain, and XMLNSC domain.
- XMLNS parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the XMLNS domain, and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output. The bit stream is a representation of an XML file.
- XMLNSC domain
- An extension of the XML domain that provides high-performance XML parsing and offers optional XML Schema validation. Messages in this domain are processed by the XMLNSC parser. You can create a message model for messages that you process in this domain, but a model is required only if you want to validate the message. See also BLOB domain, DataObject domain, DFDL domain, JMS domain, JSON domain, MIME domain, MRM domain, SOAP domain, and XMLNS domain.
- XMLNSC parser
- A program that interprets a message that belongs to the XMLNSC domain, and generates the corresponding tree from the bit stream on input, or the bit stream from the tree on output. The bit stream is a representation of an XML file.
- XML Path Language (XPath)
- A language designed to uniquely identify or address parts of a source XML document, for use with XSLT. XPath provides basic facilities for the manipulation of strings, numbers, and Boolean values in message flow resources. For example, it can be used by Java programs within a JavaCompute node, or as the expression language within a Mapping node, or by the properties of several other nodes.
- XML Schema
- An international standard that defines a language for describing the structure of XML documents. An XML Schema formally describes and constrains the content of XML documents by indicating which elements are valid and in which combinations. (An XML Schema is an alternative to a document type definition (DTD), and can be used to extend functionality in the areas of data typing, inheritance, and presentation.) The XML Schema language is ideally suited to describing the messages that flow between business applications, and is widely used in the business community for this purpose. Message definitions are annotated XML Schema.
- XML Schema Definition Language (XSD)
- A language for describing XML files that contain XML Schema.
- XML Wire Format
- The physical representation of a message in the MRM domain that can be parsed as XML.
- XPath
- See XML Path Language.
- See XML Schema Definition Language (XSD).
- See Extensible Stylesheet Language.