Flow debugger icons and symbols

The Debug perspective uses various debugger icons and symbols.

This topic describes the icons and symbols used in the Debug perspective and its views:

Debug perspective

These icons and symbols are used in the Debug perspective outside any individual view.

Icon or Symbol Description
Debug perspective Debug perspective (symbol)
Attach to Flow runtime environment Attach to Flow runtime environment (icon)

Debug view

Icon or Symbol Description
Debug view Debug view (symbol)
Flow Engine Flow engine (symbol)
Flow Flow (symbol)
Flow instance paused Flow instance paused (symbol)
Flow instance running Flow instance running (symbol)
Flow instance terminated Flow instance terminated (symbol)
Stack frame Stack frame (symbol)
Detach flow Detach from the selected flow engine (icon)
Resume flow execution Resume flow execution (icon)
Run to completion Run the flow to completion (icon)
Step into subflow Step into subflow (icon)
Step over node Step over node (icon)
Step out of subflow Step out of subflow (icon)
Step into code Step into source code (icon)

Message Flow editor

These icons and symbols in the message flow editor are specific to the flow debugger.

Icon or Symbol Description
Enabled breakpoint Enabled breakpoint (symbol)
Disabled breakpoint Disabled breakpoint (symbol)
Enabled paused breakpoint Paused at breakpoint (symbol)
Source code available Source code available (symbol)
Error or exception Error or exception (symbol)

Breakpoints view

Icon or Symbol Description
Flow Breakpoints view (symbol) Breakpoints view (symbol)
Enabled global breakpoint Enabled breakpoint (symbol)
Disabled global breakpoint Disabled breakpoint (symbol)
Remove selected breakpoints Remove selected breakpoints (icon)
Remove all breakpoints Remove all breakpoints (icon)

Variables view

These icons and symbols in the Variables view are specific to ESQL.

Icon or Symbol Description
Tree reference variable Variable view (symbol)
Tree reference variable Tree reference variable (symbol)
Message Message (symbol)
ESQL reference variable ESQL reference variable (symbol)
ESQL constant ESQL constant (symbol)
ESQL scalar variable ESQL scalar variable (symbol)
ESQL schema variable ESQL schema variable (symbol)
ESQL module variable ESQL module variable (symbol)