An escape scheme tells DFDL to treat characters literally,
rather than as a separator or terminator. For example, you might need
to escape commas in a CSV file.
Before you begin
Create or open a DFDL schema file. See DFDL schema editor for a description of the DFDL schema editor.
About this task
Add an escape scheme, and then refer to it using the "Escape
Scheme Reference" property on the relevant elements.
- In the Outline view, expand .
- In the DFDL schema editor,
click the icon to add an escape scheme to the schema, and type a name
when prompted.
- Configure the scheme in the Representation Properties :
- Escape Kind :
Possible values:
- escapeCharacter: A single escape character that
causes only the next character to be interpreted literally. The escape
character itself is escaped by the Escape Escape character.
- escapeBlock: A pair of escape strings that causes
the enclosed group of characters to be interpreted literally. The
ending escape string is escaped by the Escape Escape character.
- Escape Character: if the escape
kind is escapeCharacter, type a single character
that escapes the following character.
- Escape Block Start: type the string
of characters that mark the beginning of the escape block.
- Escape Block End: type the string
of characters that mark the end of the escape block.
- Escape Escape: specify the character
that escapes the escape character or string.
- Extra Escaped Character: optionally,
specify any other characters that must be escaped when serializing.
- Generate Escape Block: if the escape
kind is escapeBlock, define when escaping is used
during serialization.