Connecting to an integration node by creating a .broker file

View the schema and an example of a .broker file, which contains connection settings for a specific integration node.

Use a .broker file to define connection details for a specific integration node, including host, port, and optionally password and SSL security credentials. You can then share this stored connection information between different users and commands so that this information does not have to be typed manually each time. For example, you might specify a .broker file so that multiple users can connect to a remote integration node that has SSL enabled on its web administration port.

You can create a .broker file in a text editor by using the XML schema that is provided in this topic. You can reference the .broker file in the IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, by using IBM App Connect Enterprise commands, and in the IBM Integration API.

You can also use a .broker file to define connection details for an independent integration server (which is an integration server that is not managed by an integration node).

The following mqsi* commands can reference a .broker file, by using the -n parameter:
  • mqsicacheadmin
  • mqsichangeflowmonitoring
  • mqsichangeflowstats
  • mqsichangeresourcestats
  • mqsicreateexecutiongroup
  • mqsicredentials
  • mqsideleteexecutiongroup
  • mqsideploy
  • mqsilist
  • mqsipushapis
  • mqsireloadsecurity
  • mqsireportflowmonitoring
  • mqsireportflowstats
  • mqsireportresourcestats
  • mqsistartmsgflow
  • mqsistopmsgflow
A sample .broker file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<IntegrationNodeConnectionParameters Version="11.0.0" host="localhost" listenerPort="4414" integrationNodeName="INODE" userName="user"  password="password" useSsl="true" sslIncludeProtocols="TLSv1.2  "sslTrustStorePassword="password" sslTrustStorePath="c:\keystore\my_keystore.jks" xmlns="" />

You can specify either IntegrationNodeConnectionParameters or broker as the root element in the .broker file. In the following example, the root element name is IntegrationNodeConnectionParameters.

This example enables an SSL connection to an integration node named INODE that is running on host 'localhost'. INODE uses port 4414 for its HTTPS web administration connections.

The .broker file is based on the following XML schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" targetNamespace="">
    <xsd:element name="IntegrationNodeConnectionParameters">
    		<xsd:attribute name="Version" use="required">
    				<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    					<xsd:pattern value="\d\d[0-9\.]*"></xsd:pattern>
    		<xsd:attribute name="host" type="xsd:string"
    		<xsd:attribute name="listenerPort" type="xsd:int"
    		<xsd:attribute name="integrationNodeName" type="xsd:string"
    		<xsd:attribute name="userName" type="xsd:string"
                 <xsd:attribute name="password" type="xsd:string"
    		                 <xsd:attribute name="useSsl" type="xsd:boolean"
                <xsd:attribute name="sslIncludeProtocols" type="xsd:string"
    		<xsd:attribute name="sslTrustStorePassword" type="xsd:string"
    		<xsd:attribute name="sslTrustStorePath" type="xsd:string"